- subschema source text 子模式源程序正文
- Returns the source text of the code item. 返回代码项的源文本。
- Translating is translating the meaning of the source text( ST) into the target text( TT). 翻译就是在目标语文本中再现源语文本的意义。
- Unformatted source text is stored in the same system tables, in the columns proc_defn, trigger_defn, and view_defn. 未格式化的源文本存储在相同系统表中的proc_defn、trigger_defn和view_defn列内。
- Haw to deal with the untranslatability and maintian the cultural information of source text as much as possible is a question that every translator tries to find answer to. 如何突破这种不可译性,并使文化信息在翻译中的走失量减少到最小,是所有翻译工作者都在努力探索的问题。
- Use the Hyperlinks palette to associate each destination with source text or graphics. 使用超级链接板块来把每个链接点连接到源文档或者图表。
- Writing links the needs of the source text and content at the page for visitors concisely and引见pointing page. 链接源头文字的写作需要和指向页的内容相关,为访问者言简意赅地引见指向页。
- Translating takes the source text as its starting point and the target text as its destination. 进而通过举例分析、比较原文文本和目标文本的前文本、元文本的不同,提出目标文本只不过是原文文本的一种特殊互文本。
- In some languages, for example, PL/1 and C, the external file from which the compiler reads source text during the compilation of a program. 某些语言,如pl/和C中的一种外部文件,在程序编译期间,编译程序要从此外部文件中读源程序正文。
- To achieve fidelity or transmigration of translation, a translater should retain the intention and context of the source text as the measure of translation. 要保持译文与原文在内容与形式上一致,应该以原文作者的意图和实际语境作为取舍的标准。
- It is highly important to understand the source text in the subject field in order to translate it properly into target languages. 为了将原文正确翻译为目标语言,深刻理解原文的相关领域是非常重要的。
- Basically, this is a nested structure that simply gives the character offsets where every production was matched in the source text. 这基本上是一个嵌套结构,它只是给出了每个产品在源文本中匹配的字符偏移量。
- The equivalence of transitivity structure in translation poetry could effectively achieve the faithfulness to the ideational meaning of source text. 在诗词翻译中的及物性对等,能够有效实现译文对原文概念意义的忠实。
- There is a cultural turn in translation studies, which requires translation should mirror the foreignness of the source text in the target one. 翻译研究已从传统的语言比较研究转向文化视域中的文化翻译研究。 翻译应像一面镜子反映出源语语言文化中的异国情调。
- If you want to nitpick, you can say that the source text only says “operate in harmony”;it did not say “follow the rules of. 社会之所以衰退,其根源就在于人们的愚蠢行为违背了正确的原则。
- Having followed the source text thus far, you should at least know the background about Thucydides, which is the key to the phrase in question. 一连串陈述句被放进不知名的雅典使节之口???按照通常的理解,应该是“吐出”,怎么是“放进”呢?
- This is because, with a transactional source text, the meaning is controlled by the writer of the text and is easily decipherable by the translator. 我们认真对待每一次的翻译,严格执行相关国家标准和公司内部质量管理规范,赢得了众多客户的好评和良好的市场信誉。
- Thus the translator will conjecture on the source text,so as to acquire a "clear"understanding and pass the logical monit... 这种强行理解行为常扭曲原文的意义,或者损害原文的美学价值。
- Basically, Reiss and Newmark’s text typologies focus on the function of the source text;while Nord emphasizes more on the function of the target text. 大体上,赖斯和纽马克的文本类型理论虽然是从功能出发,但主要考虑的是原文的功能,而功能主义发展到诺德阶段,则完全变成了以译文功能为中心的翻译理论。
- In doing so, a translator should follow a three-step model: (1) Analyzing the source text from the perspective of the functional stylistics. 在这一过程中,译者将遵循三步模式:(1)以功能文体学为依托,分析原文。