- subpattern weakening procedure 子模式减弱过程
- Conclusion:Symmetrical weakening procedure on bilateral inferior oblique muscles is an effective surgical operation for treating V pattern w... 结论:对称性下斜肌减弱术是治疗合并有下斜肌功能亢进的V型斜视的有效术式。
- Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer. 什么也动摇不了他要当律师的决心。
- The king tried to weaken the power of the clergy. 国王试图削弱教会的权力。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- The modes of procedure are various and many. 手续繁琐复杂,不一而足。
- Continual fevers weaken the vitality. 连续发烧会使人元气大伤。
- The law warrants this procedure. 这一程序是法律批准的。
- A value used to evaluate a procedure or subroutine. 自变量,变元一数值,用于确定程序或子程序的值
- I'll run back over the procedure once again. 我把这个程序再复查一次。
- The next procedure is as follows. 下一个步骤如下。
- He is familiar with export procedure. 他对出口程序很熟悉。
- What's the procedure for opening a bank account? 在银行开办帐户要办什么手续?
- To weaken or collapse from exertion. 筋疲力尽因费力而变弱或垮掉
- They have not yet agreed to our requests but they are clearly weakening. 他们还没有同意我们的要求,但态度已明显软化。
- Accustomed or usual procedure or practice. 习惯,惯例习惯的或通常的程序或做法
- Conforming to orthodox rules, as of procedure. 权威的遵守正统规则的,如程序规则的
- The opening created by such a surgical procedure. 结肠口通过这样一个外科过程造成的开口
- His authority is steadily weakening. 他的权威日趋减弱。
- Obtaining a refund from the company is a complicated procedure. 向公司索取退款手续很复杂。