- We are a private mezzanine venture capital fund which invests in the subordinated debt and equity of privately held companies. 资本股份有限公司是夹层资本合资公司,我们给私下企业提供负债和股份投资。
- The source of interest rate risk of life insurance Company"s Subordinated Debt financing is higher anticipant yield. 由于各种利率风险的特性不同,因此在规避和控制该风险上也应该采用不同的方法。
- Subordinated Debt A loan (or security) that ranks below other loans (or securities) with regard to claims on assets or earnings. 从属债务指在资产或盈利索偿权上等级低于其他贷款(或证券)的贷款(或证券)
- Securities that have priority ahead of all other unsecured or subordinated debt in ranking for payment in the event of default. 指在出现违约时,在支付顺序上优先于所有其他无担保或次级债务的证券。
- We were an investment company specializing in subordinated debt and structured equity investments in superior middle-market companies. 美国半岛合伙人公司是一家投资公司,专门投资在:从属债务和较高级的中型公司的结构性股份投资。
- Structural design of subordinated debt is not only a key factor to issue the bond and operate it successfully, but also an intrinsic basis of its functional mechanism. 摘要结构设计不仅是次级债成功发行和运作的关键要素,而且是其作用机理的内在基础。
- Since then, the Shenzhen Development will issue subordinated debt and hybrid capital in order to further improve capital adequacy ratio and core capital adequacy ratio. 此后,深发展还将发行混合资本债和次级债,以进一步提高资本充足率和核心资本充足率。
- The answer must surely include tighter regulation: more capital, perhaps an obligation to obtain long-term subordinated debt and specific liquidity requirements. 答案肯定要包含更加严厉的监管规定:提高资本金率、必须获取长期次级债务和特定的流动性要求。
- In 1999, Basel Committee made market discipline as one of the three pillars of bank supervision,and subordinated debt (SND) abstracts more and more attention from the experts. 1999年,伴随着巴塞尔委员会正式将市场约束定位为银行监管的三大支柱之一,次级债券以其独特的性质,引起了专家学者的关注。
- The China Banking Regulatory Commission is considering new rules that could crimp the loan expansion by disqualifying subordinated debt from being counted as bank capital. 中国银监会正在考虑制定新的政策,审核不合格的次级债券将不能成为银行资产,这一举措将会紧缩贷款规模的扩大。
- However, little research has been conducted on this new financial innovation.This article explores the effects of subordinated debt issued by commercial banks. 但是作为一种金融创新,我国对商业银行次级债券尚缺乏系统的研究,本文主要对我国商业银行发行次级债券的效应进行探讨。
- Fourth Subordinated Debt Issue. 四是发行次级债。
- We are based in New York, our team focuses principally on investing in mezzanine finance transactions which generally include debt and equity participation in the form of subordinated debt and warrants, preferred stock and equity co-investment. 美国爱尔宾公司位于纽约,我们的队伍集中精力投资夹层金融业务,一般来说,包括债务或以从属债务和授权、优先股和股份共同投资的形式参股。
- Ideally banks’ balance-sheets would have another type of capital which could top up the buffer without spooking depositors or the owners of senior debt and senior subordinated debt. 理想的情况是,银行的资产负债表上有另一种形式的资本能够增加缓冲,而不会让存款人或高级债、高级次级债持有人担忧。
- In 2007, the supply of aluminum ingots was adequate, the demand growth was slowdown, and the world's economy was affected by Subordinated Debt crisis, so the aluminum market has fallen down. 内容摘要:2007年,国内外铝价在铝锭供给充足,需求增长放缓及次级债危机事件影响下,整体呈现下跌行情。
- Article 8 The subordinated debts of an insurance company shall be collected directionally from qualified investors. 第八条 保险公司次级债应当向合格投资者定向募集。
- No raisers or relevant parties concerned may mislead any investor in any way to purchase any subordinated debts. 募集人和有关当事人不得以任何方式误导投资者购买次级债。
- The supplementary capital includes the re-evaluation reserves, general reserves, preferred stocks, convertible bonds and long-term subordinated debts. 附属资本包括重估储备、一般准备、优先股、可转换债券和长期次级债务。
- Project Finance, Subordinated Debt and State Loans 项目财务,附属债务与州债
- The Uniqueness of Subordinated Debt in China 次级债的中国特色