- All the other issues are subordinate to this one. 所有问题都要以这个问题为主。
- I've completed a fair chunk of my article. 我已经把文章的一大部分写完了。
- A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general. 上校级别低于准将。
- He was always friendly to his subordinate officers. 他对下级官员一向和蔼可亲。
- subordinate chunk 子数据组
- Lower in rank, power, or authority; subordinate. 从属的,下级的等级、权力或威望低的; 附属的
- A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate. 亲信忠心而受信任的随从或部属
- Listened to the electronic printer chunk along. 听着电子打字机啪嗒地响个不停
- He always liked to subordinate others' effect. 他总爱贬低他人的作用。
- A lump or chunk, especially of earth or clay. 土块,泥块一块或一团,尤指土或泥块
- A piece or chunk, especially of raw meat. 一片,一块一片或一块,尤指生肉
- Neither is subordinate to the other. 彼此不相统属。
- He is not satisfied with his subordinate status. 他不满意自己的从属地位。
- A chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm. 山崖上的一块石头在暴风雨中崩塌下来。
- The lower level is subordinate to the higher level. 下级服从上级。
- A pad byte, if the chunk's length is not even. 不固定长度字段:此区块的资料,大小等同前一栏之正整数.
- I've already written a fair chunk of the article. 我已写出文章的大部份。
- Delegate a task to a subordinate. 把任务委托给下属
- I' ve completed a fair chunk of my article. 我已经把文章的一大部分写完了.
- Holding an auxiliary position; subordinate. 从属的处于从属地位的;从属的