- Research on submerged vanes for bank protection in river bend 导流屏在河流弯道护岸工程中的应用研究
- There is a vane on top of the building. 在大楼的顶端有一只风信旗。
- In winter the weather vane often freezes up. 气象风向标在冬季经常僵立不动。
- The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships. 该潜艇潜入水下以躲避敌舰。
- submerged vanes 底部导流式薄板
- Our ship was able to haul up just before it hit the submerged reef. 我们的船就在要撞上暗礁的时候停住了。
- Coastal land submerged during high tide. 受潮地,潮淹区涨潮时被水淹没的海岸
- submerged vane 导流叶片
- Her happiness at seeing him submerged her former worries. 她看到他非常高兴,顿时完全忘记了先前的烦恼。
- The vanes are made of structural angle iron. 叶轮可用角钢制成。
- The child submerged all her toys in the bath. 那孩子把所有的玩具都泡在澡盆里.
- Our ship stranded near the submerged reefs. 我们的客轮在暗礁附近搁浅了。
- A wheater vane crowns the building. 淡黄色的风信旗加顶于建筑物。
- This device operates similarly to the vane pump. 这种装置的运转情况与叶轮泵很相似。
- A partially submerged log or trunk. 沉木部分浸没的木头或树干
- John was submerged in making the ship model. 约翰专心致志地造轮船模型。
- He submerged the cups in the bowel. 他把杯子都放在了水盆之中。
- Sibyl Vane tossed her head and laughed. 茜比尔·范把头往后一仰,大笑起来。
- I'm completely submerged by work. 我完全埋头于工作。
- My mind was submerged in terror. 我的心已淹没在恐怖之中。