- Point out the subject and object of this sentence. 指出这一句的主语和宾语。
- In Being, subject and object merge into one. 在”存在“中,”主观”和“客观”合二为一。
- The Subject and Object and Systemization for Library Management. 图书馆管理中的主体、客体及制度化。
- Chapter Three Subject and object of the public right of condominiums. 第三章,建筑物区分所有权的共有权的主体和客体。
- Frequently, these intricacies are undistinguishable between subject and object. 或者一路下去,不管不顾,占山为王,反客为主。
- Amor matris: subjective and objective genitive. 母亲之爱:主生格与宾生格。
- Title: The Subject and Object and Systemization for Library Management. 关键词:图书馆管理;主体与客体;制度化;以人为本;能动性
- The aim of this essay is to discuss the interrelationships between the subjects and objects in translation. 在整个的创造性的活动中,翻译家无疑处于中心的枢纽地位,发挥着最积极的作用。
- Phenomenon is a joint creation of subjectivity and objectivity. 现象是外在的生与主体的思的共同造作。
- Graph model composed of RDF triples is one of the ways for ontology representation,in which subjects and objects are nodes and predicates are edges. RDF三元组构成的图模型是本体表示方法的一种,主体和客体对应图中的结点,谓词对应图中的边。
- The style of artist is formed by subjectivity and objectivity. 艺术家的风格是主观和客观共同作用的结果。
- The ontology in accord with the particularity of aesthetics is that the BEAUTY comes from the unifing converged by subjects and objects. 而最符合美学特殊性的本体论,也是“美在主观与客观的统一”说。
- We should summarize from both the subjective and objective aspect. 我们应该从主客观两方面进行总结。
- In the reification of hearts ideas and moral ideas , subjects and objects strike a responsive chord by their same structure , which give birth to beauty. 在心灵意蕴、道德观念的物化中,主体与客体异质同构,发生共鸣,美由此产生。
- Based on practice to understand Marxian perception of truth, this paper gets rid of deficiencies of cognitive perception of truth through interactions between subjects and objects. 本文对马克思真理观的理解是以实践为基础,通过主观与客观的互动,克服了传统认知真理观的缺陷。
- The theory of Case Condition accounts for the fact that noun phrases appear only in subject and object positions. 格条件理论说明了为什么名词词组只在主语和宾语的位置上出现。
- When music is shifted from the original field to a new field, the subject and object are both reconstructed. 摘要当音乐由原来的场转向新的场的时候,主体和客体都发生了重构。
- He criticized the traditional empirical theory and built a thorough empiricism of interactive subject and object. 他批判传统的经验论,建立了主客互动的彻底的经验主义。
- Many phenomenologist categories “feeling”, this sharp nerve tissue, as integration behavior of subject and object. 许多现象学家将 ” 感觉 ” 这个敏锐的神经组织,归纳为主客体的融入行为。
- Thus, with changes of the subject and object of TC, its criteria become multi-layered and dynamic accordingly. 而随着翻译批评主客体的变化,翻译批评标准也呈现出多元化、动态性的特点。