- In the language of subjective values, this argument becomes: "Some things in the world are to our liking, and therefore they must have been created by a Being with our tastes. 用主观价值的语言来说,这一论点变为:“世界上某些事物是我们所喜欢的,因此它们当初一定是被一个和我们喜好相同的神创造出来的’。
- However, people cannot probe into the motivating effects or policy efficiency without valuing the concessionaire's subjective values of these tax-reducing or saaociated businesses quantificationally. 然而,若要探讨这些机制的激励效果或是政策效率,则必须量化地考量这些减免与权利的厂商主观价值。
- Argument: Aspiration in itself is not wrong, neither is being bcontrolled by various aspirations, for morality seemingly is an subjective value ofi humanity. 辩君:有欲望没有什麽不对,受欲望指使也没有什麽不对(因为对不对是人类的主观价值)。
- Argum jent: Aspiration in itself is not wrong, neither is being controlled by various aspirations, for moralitytseemingly is an subjective value of humanity. 辩君:有欲望没有什麽不对,受欲望指使也没有什麽不对(因为对不对是人类的主观价值)。
- Argmument: Aspiration in itself is not wrong, neither is being controlled by various aspirations, for morality seemingly is an subjective value of humanity. 辩君:有欲望没有什麽不对,受欲望指使也没有什麽不对(因为对不对是人类的主观价值)。
- Argument: Aspiration in itself is not wrong, neither is being controlled byw various aspirations, for morality seemingly is an subjective valuer of humanity. 辩君:有欲望没有什麽不对,受欲望指使也没有什麽不对(因为对不对是人类的主观价值)。
- The society progress,as one kind value evaluation,reflects a conjunction relationship between the subjective value criterion of the subject and the development of the object. 社会进步作为一种价值评价,反映的是评价主体的主观价值标准与对象客体客观发展状况之间的契合关系。
- Nowadays the multipolarization of the world structure is not merely a purely objective course and tendency, but the integration of the objective advancement and the subjective value. 摘要当今世界格局的多极化并不仅仅是一个纯粹的客观进程和趋势,而是客观进程和主观价值的融合。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- He values himself on his conversational power. 他常夸耀自己的交谈能力。
- The market values are in a nose dive. 市价暴跌。
- House values may begin to slide. 房价可能开始逐渐下降了。
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那个问题的权威自居。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是这方面的专家。
- What caused share values to slump? 股价暴跌是什么原因?
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- Has a glandular aversion to materialistic values. 对实物主义道德价值本能的厌恶
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。