- subjective group performance 团队主观绩效
- Ensure and Improve custom clearance group performance. 确保和提高整个海关组的绩效。
- The minimum teaching time for each subject group per academic year is 50 hours. 每一学年,每门学科都需有不少于50小时的教学时间。
- The group performing such a composition. 三重奏演出小组演奏三重奏曲的小组
- The theater group performed a three-act play. 剧团排演了一出三幕剧
- There was no sinificant difference in ESR between the COPD group and the healthy subject group (P>0.05). 5正常组与COPD组血沉降率无显著性差异(P>0.;05)。
- Group demographic heterogeneity is one of the definitive factors which have an effect on group performance. 构成群体的成员的差异性是影响群体绩效的决定性因素之一。
- The ESR of the primary lung cancer group was significantly higher than those of the healthy subject group and the COPD group (P<0.05). 2 肺癌组血沉降率较正常组、COPD组显著升高(P<0.;05)
- Mongolian opera group perform for factories, farmers and pasturing areas, also army. 蒙古剧团始终不忘为农村牧区演出,走遍了八千里边防线,为部队官兵慰问演出。
- The MYP curriculum guides, published by the IBO for every subject group to ensure some commonality among MYP schools worldwide. IBO为每一学科组制定了课程大纲,保证全世界各MYP学校之间的某种共同性。
- Medical humanity is an intersecting subject group in which medical science and humanity science penetrate and combine with each other. 医学人文是医学与人文科学相互渗透、结合的交叉性学科群。
- The study of building subject group and series products of phospholipid by the multi technology of fine separation,fine organic synthesis and systems engineering was put up. 阐述了应用精细分离与精细有机合成以及化工系统工程的综合技术建设磷脂学科群,产品树的研究工作。
- A single information technology group performs all administrative tasks. 一个信息技术组可以执行所有管理任务。
- Everyone in my group performs enthusiastically under the new leadership. 有新管理团队领航,我们全组成员工作都很投入。
- Many Diploma and Higher Diploma courses have been put into subject groups and share a common year-1 curriculum. 多个高级文凭及文凭课程已编为科目组,同一科目组的学员可于第一个学年修读共同科目。
- However, the 71-82 age group performed worse when they felt stigmatized. 但71-82岁的老年人在感到自己被“污名化”时记忆表现较差。
- After 24 Nov. HK Sahaja Yoga Bhajan Group performed at Central City Hall, we add one more performance on 10 Dec. 香港霎哈嘉瑜伽拜赞歌团继十一月廿四日晚上的在中环大会堂演出;在十二月十日再加一场.
- Many Diploma and Higher Diploma courses have been put into subject groups and share a common year-one curriculum. 多个高级文凭及文凭课程已编为科目组,同一科目组的学员于第一个学年修读共同科目。
- Promotion to year-2 of Higher Diploma for students in these subject groups is determined by their academic achievement at the end of the first year and their preference. 完成一年共修课程后,学院会按学生的成绩及意愿,安排升读高级文凭或文凭课程的第二年。
- After rehearsing and finalizing the plays the groups perform their piece in front of a video camera. 彩排并敲定剧本后,学生小组就在视频摄像机前表演剧本。