- Job DescriptionSpecialist: Applies developed subject matter knowledge to solve common and complex Worldwide Cust...... ... 公司名称:中国惠普有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-12
- The hunts can be geared to virtually any curriculum area, simultaneously providing students with technological and subject matter knowledge. 搜索适合真实的课程范畴,同时给学生提供技术和学科主题知识。
- Lederman, N.G., &Chang, H.P. (1994, March).An international investigation of preservice science teachers' pedagogy and subject matter knowledge structures. 黄文吟和张惠博(1994):实况化的高中物理焦点问题初步研究,1995中华民国物理教育学术研讨会,国立台湾师范大学。
- Lederman, N.G., & Chang, H.P. (1994, March).An international investigation of preservice science teachers' pedagogy and subject matter knowledge structures. 黃文吟和張惠博(1994):實況化的高中物理焦點問題初步研究,1995中華民國物理教育學術研討會,國立台灣師範大學。
- Teachers sequence curriculum and design long-term and short-range plans that incorporate subject matter knowledge, reflect grade-level curriculum expectations, and include a repertoire of instructional strategies. 教师安排课程顺序、长期和短期计划要包含学科主要内容,反映出等级水平的课程指标并包括所有教育策略技能。
- Applies advanced subject matter knowledge to complex business issues, and is regarded as a subject matter expert. Frequently contributes to the development of new ideas and methods. 提交具体技术要求、设计文档、实施标准和指引,制订和测试技术解决方案、技术支持文档、用户使用手册,提供技术培训资料和实施方案在工程层面的支持。
- The speaker's subject matter was better than his presentation. 演讲者所讲的内容要比他的演讲本身好。
- The subject matter of ethnomethodology is common sense knowledge. 民俗方法学的研究对象是常识性知识。
- The subject matter of ethnomethodology is common sense knowledge . 民俗方法学的研究对象是常识性知识。
- Obscene language or subject matter. 污秽的言行下流话或下流行为
- The subject matter of insurance. 保险标的。
- B: I organize them by subject matter. 我用主题来分类。
- Subject matter of a book, paper, etc. 一般可指书、论文的内容。
- This is a complex subject matter. 这是个复杂的论题。
- The subject matter of the contract must be goods. 合同的标的物是货物。
- Complete freedom of subject matter. 完全自由的主题事项。
- subject matter knowledge 学科知识
- A valued policy insures subject matter for an agreed value. 已估价保险单的保险标的价值已(被双方)约定。
- This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action. 本法院有此件诉讼事件的管辖权。
- Do you find the subject matter of the book interesting? 你对这本书的主题感兴趣吗?