- Analysis of the Drum Urgent Offlet Explosion of a Subcritical Pressure Boiler 亚临界锅炉汽包紧急放水管爆管事故分析
- Combustion Adjustment of 300 MW Subcritical Pressure Boiler during Operation of Coal Pulverizing System 300MW亚临界机组制粉系统在运行中的燃烧调整
- An Analysis of the Causes of Boiler Water pH Value Reduction in a Subcritical Pressure Boiler and Some Measures Taken for Its Prevention 亚临界炉锅水pH降低原因分析及预防对策
- subcritical pressure boiler 亚临界压力锅炉
- The correlations for predicting DNB regimes in subcritical pressure once-through boilers are given. 提供了亚临界直流锅炉水冷壁管内传热恶化计算的关系式。
- Based on Experimental investigations, the DNB characteristics of steam-water mixtures in one-side heated vertical tubes under subcritical pressure are discussed. 在试验研究的基础上,讨论了亚临界压力单面受热垂直管内汽水混合物传热恶化的特点。
- The significance and prospect of developing the subcritical pressure controlled circulation boilers in China are pointed out. 论述了亚临界控制循环锅炉在我国电力工业中的重要性及发展前景。
- Abstract: Steel P91 has been used instead of P22 as the material for main steam and high-temperature reheat steam pipelines in new-built subcritical pressure units. 摘 要: 目前新建的亚临界机组中,主蒸汽管道及再热蒸汽管道热段的材料已用P91钢代替P22钢。
- Steel P91 has been used instead of P22 as the material for main steam and high temperature reheat steam pipelines in new built subcritical pressure units. 目前新建的亚临界机组中,主蒸汽管道及再热蒸汽管道热段的材料已用P91钢代替P22钢。
- As an abnormal structure, the Widmannstatten structure is impermissible for the cold-drawn 20 G high pressure boiler steel tube. 魏氏组织是20G冷拔高压锅炉钢管所不允许的异常组织。
- The first high pressure boiler on BFG of vapour productivity of 220 t/h, has been manufactured in China. 开发出国内首座220 t/h全烧高炉煤气高参数电站锅炉。
- The Low Phosphate Treatment of Boiler Water in Subcritical Pressure Steam Drum 亚临界压力汽包锅炉水的低磷酸盐处理
- The importance of controlling thermal deviation of superdritical pressure boiler's superheater and reheater is pointed out. 指出了超临界锅炉控制过热器、再热器热偏差的重要性。
- In the paper, the whole trial-produce process of higher pressure boiler tubes T22 using tube rounds from horizontal continuous casting is introduced. 本文介绍了用水平连铸圆管坯试制T22合金钢高压锅炉管的全过程并对试制样管进行了综合分析。
- DG and DGR multi-stages pumps are used for feeding low and middle pressure boiler water or for pumping other middle pressure water. 其德阳入口,D型水平方向;DG、DGR为垂直向上;其吐出口均为垂直向上。
- High quality carbon structural round bloom, seamless tube bloom used in high pressure boiler, alloy structural steel tube blooms are all up to the general standard. 优质碳素结构钢圆管坯,高压锅炉用无缝管坯,合金结构钢管坯等均达到国标中的各项要求。
- High Pressure Boiler Tube is mainly used to manufacture high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure boiler superheater tubes, reheater tube, airway, such as main steam pipe. 高压锅炉管主要用来制造高压和超高压锅炉的过热器管、再热器管、导气管、主蒸汽管等。
- The two-stage reverse osmosis system was used to produce desalting water that was used as additional water of medium temperature and medium pressure boiler. 二级反渗透生产除盐水,并作为中温中压锅炉的补水,目前为国内首创。
- The paper introduced feedback water control technology and Equipment after analysed the specification of heating circulating system of the atmospheric pressure boiler. 对常压锅炉供暖循环系统特性进行了分析,并着重介绍了一种新的系统设计方法及其优越性。
- The welding of high pressure boiler longitudinal weld shall be electric slag welding which may be replaced by improved auto-submerged arc welding when have no electric slag welding. 高压锅炉锅筒纵缝焊接时,采用的焊接设备为电渣焊。在不具备电渣焊的情况下用改进的埋弧自动焊成功的替代了电渣焊。