- suaveolens Fisch. 甜杨 P.
- Adenophora tetraphylla(Thunb.)Fisch. 轮叶沙参
- Adenophora verticillata(Pall.)Fisch. 轮叶沙参,四叶沙参
- Mahonia calamicaulis Spare et Fisch. 西藏十大功劳
- Peucedanum terebinthaceum Fisch. 石防风
- Gueldenstaedtia pauciflora (Pall.) Fisch. 少花米口袋
- Gueldenstaedtia pauciflora Fisch. 少花米口袋
- Astrgalus membranaceus (Fisch)Bge. 黄芪
- Et Mey.Ex Turcz.Turcz.;Seseli seseloides (Fisch. 拉丁植物动物矿物名Libanotis seseloides (Fisch.
- Agropyron desertorum (Fisch ex Link) Schult. 沙生冰草
- Technology of Breeding Seedling of Quercus mongolicus Fisch. 蒙古栎播种育苗技术。
- Study on the TLCS fingerprint of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. 甘草药材薄层扫描指纹图谱研究。
- Chromosome studies of 10 Chinese species of Adenophora Fisch. 沙参属10个种的染色体研究.
- SOD Zymogram and Its Variation in Seeds of Corylus heterophylla Fisch. 榛子种实SOD同工酶酶谱及变异。
- According to comparing with the quantity of the distilled flavonoids in Fisch. 对丙酮法设计正交实验,得出最佳条件。
- This experiment researched spring wheat mutiple Melilotus suaveolens is a relatively good crop rotation. 四个处理中春小麦复播草木樨是相对较好的一组轮作作物。
- Soybean stub land, stub land of Melilotus suaveolens, melon field were preferred.The stub land of millet and cabbage should not be the nursery land to breed Larix kaempfiri. 其他农茬首选大豆茬地、草木樨、瓜地茬,而谷子和白菜地茬不应作苗圃地繁育日本落叶松。
- Grading and Standardization of Seed and Seedling of Glycyrrhiza uralensia Fisch. 乌拉尔甘草种子种苗分级标准制定。
- Analysis on chemical composition of volatile oil in leaves of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. 乌拉尔甘草叶挥发油的化学成分分析。
- Culture system establishment and chemical constituents analysis of hairy roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. 甘草毛状根培养系统的建立及化学成分分析。