- sty lograph 输水管
- I would like something for a sty. 我想买治麦粒肿的药。
- Sty fester how won't cure grow beehive to organize? 麦粒肿化脓了怎么治疗不会长蜂窝组织?
- Sty is not treated what consequence can you have? 麦粒肿不去治疗会有什么后果?
- Can sty abscess often medication? 麦粒肿脓肿老可以药物治疗吗?
- The president will try to sty above the political fray. 总统想要尽力避免这场政治争端.
- Two Pigs "What makes more noise than a pig in the sty?""Two pigs. “猪圈里什么东西会比一头猪闹出更大的声音来?”“两头猪。
- Are sty and graupel bead swollen have why to differ? 麦粒肿与霰粒肿有何不同?
- The sty is blocked, and the injection can't flow through. 针孔堵住了,注射剂出不来。
- The product is the ideal foaming agent for EPS poly sty rene,with the fllowing. 该产品具有稳定性好,发泡倍率大,沸点高,损耗小等特点,是EPS聚苯乙烯理想的发泡剂。
- Sty side, they also support a chain swill oil stoves, very pungent taste. 猪圈旁边,他们还支起炉子炼泔水油,味道十分呛人。
- Sty is inflammation of sex of fester of acute of eyelid board gland inside. 内麦粒肿为睑板腺急性化脓性炎症。
- Sty common says " steal stythe eye of a needle " , the gland that it is eyelid is local inflammation, cause eyelid to have bump and tenderness. 麦粒肿俗称“偷针眼”,为睑腺局部发炎,引起眼睑有肿块及压痛。
- The story centers on an ax-carrying gang terrorizing the lowly inhabitants of a tenement called Pig's Sty Alley. 在一个令人恐怖房屋的地位低居民的运送斧头的队上故事中心叫做了猪的猪栏小路。
- One day in an odorous, dirty sty he discovered a wedge of spruce, which is light and strong---perfect for the violin. 应该承认这个季节,所有女孩都是美丽聪明,纯洁,注重感情的。
- Now, a report from Amnisty Amn e sty International, looks at the struggles of poor rural women living with HIV H.I. 现在一份来自国际特赦组织的报告关注了南非乡下感染艾滋病毒的女性的痛苦挣扎。
- The formatting of latex really depends on the sty files you used, some already has the the definition. 偶是老幺,有情况麻烦找我老大,有事麻烦找小二,有问题麻烦找老三,还有阿,找幺姐够不够?
- There is a lifeless body on the street, countless victims buried in the rubble and even a dead pig in a collapsed sty. 街道上躺着一具尸体。无数遇难者埋在废墟中,甚至倒塌的猪圈里也躺着一只死猪。
- Now, a report from Amnisty Amn e sty International, looks at the struggles of poor rural women living with HIV H. 现在一份来自国际特赦组织的报告正关注南非携带H.
- SPAN class=tc> 作者:丢失幸福的猪发表日期:3月05日13:53类目:生肖星座字数:314阅读次数:308