- He felt dulled and stupid with sleep. 他睡得迷迷糊糊,昏头昏脑。
- The sailor was stupid with liquor. 那水手醉得不省人事。
- But I look so stupid with this big zit on my nose. 但是我鼻子上长这个大青春痘看起来好蠢啊。
- Don't play stupid with me. You took away my camera. 别跟我装傻。就是你把我的相机拿走了。
- The patient was still heavy with sleep. 病人仍然昏昏欲睡。
- My child is often befuddled with sleep. 我的孩子经常睡得昏昏沉沉。
- B: But I look so stupid with this big zit on my nose. 但它就长在鼻子上,我显得很傻。
- stupid with sleep 睡得昏昏沉沉的
- Bottles doctored with sleep inducing were discovered in the bar. 有人在这个酒吧发现了装有催眠药的瓶子。
- The maid was cross, for she was still heavy with sleep. 女仆心里很烦,因为她还没有睡醒。
- Interference with sleep by various diseases is also the main cause. 各种疾病导致无法入睡也是一个主要原因。
- He got up after that, stumbling, blink with sleep and put on his clothes. 从此以后,他自己起床,晃晃悠悠,睡眼惺忪地穿好衣服。
- Her face was flushed with sleep, and her eyelids hung heavy over their pupils. 她的脸睡得红红的,眼皮也惺松的覆在瞳人上面。
- It might also interfere with sleep, he says, and that could have an influence. 他说,它也许还干扰了睡眠,而那可能会有影响。
- The tension of stress can interfere with sleep or cause anger or sadness. 引起紧张和压力的原因可以是物理的:例如损伤或者疾病。
- He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills. 他试图服安眠药自杀。
- To provide with sleeping quarters. 提供睡觉的地方。
- She sated with sleep. 她睡腻了。
- The night is deep, the house is silent, the birds'nests are shrouded with sleep. 夜深沉,庭宁静,鸟巢也被睡眠笼罩着。
- Have you had trouble with sleeping or pain pills in the past? 过去你因为服用助眠药或止痛药有过什么不良反应吗?