- I've got a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 我嗓子疼,鼻子不通气。
- I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 我嗓子疼,鼻子还堵。
- He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。
- Tina woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose. 汀娜醒来觉得喉咙痛和鼻塞.
- He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose . 他嗓子疼,鼻子不通。
- Can You Recommend Something for a Stuffy Nose? 您能推荐治疗鼻子不通的药吗?
- Can you suggest [recommend] something for a stuffy nose? 您能对治鼻塞提点建议[推荐方法]吗?
- I had gotten a sore throat, stuffy nose and high fever. 我喉咙疼痛,鼻子阻塞,高烧不退。
- Relieve inflammation, hypersensitivity and stuffy nose. 消炎、抗过敏、通鼻塞.
- Dry air may leave baby with a stuffy nose that awakens him. 太过干燥的空气容易让宝宝鼻塞并醒来。
- Nasal aspirator.A bulb syringe for clearing a stuffy nose. 最好买特殊形状设计的;防止清洁时捅得过深.
- This whale had a stuffy nose from a cold, so it was sleeping with its mouth wide open. 这条鱼伤风塞鼻子,所以睡觉的时候,嘴是张开的。
- He has been coughing up phlegm. Moreover he has a fever, headache, stuffy nose and aching limbs. 他就是感觉咳嗽不畅、发热、鼻塞、头痛、四肢酸痛。
- If your baby consistently awakens with a stuffy nose, suspect irritants or allergens in the bedroom. 如果你的孩子醒来时总是鼻子不同,先检查一下卧室里是否有刺激物或者容易引起过敏的物质。
- Mainly treats nasosinusitis, the stuffy nose partner purulent secretion aware nose smelly and so on sickness. 主治鼻窦炎、鼻塞伴脓性分泌物自觉鼻臭等症。
- Relief of symptoms of fevers and congestion/head colds. Relieves the first stages of inflammations as with injury or illness (e.g., a stuffy nose). 解除发烧,感冒的头痛鼻塞症状,解除受伤或是生病(比如鼻塞)的前期症状。
- Dragon Balm.Imparts a warming effect.Helps to relieve stuffy nose and open nasal pathways.Rub on temples and around nose, may be rubbed on chest area. 有助于减轻鼻塞和开放的鼻腔通道,可以用于鼻翼周围按摩,也可用于胸部。
- Researchers petitioned the government, however, saying there was no evidence phenylephrine worked for relieving a stuffy nose. 研究者们向政府提出诉讼,他们说,没有证据表明去甲肾上腺素对改善鼻塞有效。
- Use a cool mist humidifier in your child's room to put moisture in the air to help your child's stuffy nose and dry scratchy throat. 在孩子的房间里使用喷雾的加湿器,增加空气的湿度缓解孩子的鼻塞和喉咙的干痒。
- Of fever, headache, body pain in particular, stuffy nose, tears, sneezing and runny nose symptoms of a very good therapeutic effect. 对发热、头痛、全身酸痛尤其鼻塞、流泪、喷嚏和流鼻涕症状有很好的治疗效果。