- I am lucky to study under such a famous singer. 我很幸运能师从这样一位名歌唱家。
- To be instructed by a tutor;study under a tutor. 接受辅导,在家庭教师的辅导下学习
- To be instructed by a tutor; study under a tutor. 接受辅导,在家庭教师的辅导下学习
- How Do Learners Study under the Environment of Open Learning? 浅谈在开放教育中学员应如何学习?
- Jane will be lucky to study under such a famous singer. 简能在这样一位著名歌唱家指导下学习真是太幸运了。
- Jack was very naughty,so he was sent to study under a strict teacher. 杰克很顽皮,所以他被送到一位严厉的老师那里学习。
- He is studying under a new teacher. 他在一位新教员指导下学习。
- Jack was very naughty, so he was sent to study under a strict teacher. 杰克很顽皮,所以他被送到一位严厉的老师那里学习。
- I studied under him for a long period of time. 我曾长时间受教于他。
- For three years she is studying under a famous musician. 3年来她一直师从于一位著名的音乐家。
- He is now studying under the guidance of Professor Green. 他现在正在格林教授的指导下学习。
- Schools will get more scope to decide which languages kids study under a curriculum review unveiled today. 今天公布的一个课程评论显示:学校在决定孩子们学习何种外语方面将发挥更大的作用。
- The early seventies, he studied under the late famous Mr. 三十余载浸淫翰墨,以虚和为贵,自知、自爱而不愚妄。
- Gauguin met the Impressionist Camille Pissarro in about 1875 and began to study under the supportive older artist. 大约在1875年,高更遇到了印象派画家卡梅林.;皮色罗,并开始在这位前辈艺术家门下学习。
- After her eighteenth birthday, she went abroad to study under the help(改:support) of her family. 评:让子女出国上学当然是家庭对子女的"帮助",但更贴切讲应该是"供养"或"支持"
- Is it she who is going to pursue advanced studies under a foreign teacher? 她将跟一位外国教师进修吗?
- Then,“coverage apogee” condition is applied to trajectory study under planar polar three bodies model. 接着将“远地点可达”概念应用于平面三体模型下的向月飞行的轨道研究;
- Having formerly had the good fortune to study under Michel Foucault, I retain the consciousness of an admiring and grateful disciple. 门下学习,我仍然保有一份钦敬与感恩的门徒意识。
- Action learning is a procedure that complete the scheduled work as a target and that continually ponder and study under the sustain of colleagues. 摘要行动学习是一个以完成预定的工作为目的、在同事的支持下持续不断地反思与学习的过程。
- In 2009/2010 academic year, KLM will sponsor two outstanding Chinese students who wish to study under a Dutch Master's degree project. 2009/2010学年度,KLM将赞助2名优秀的中国学生赴荷兰攻读硕士项目。