- Top students brook no intrusions on study time. 尖子学生不能容忍学习时间受到侵占。
- For which subject do I need the most study time? 哪门课程需要复习的时间最多?
- Use it to plan your study time each day. 每天用它来计划你的学习时间。
- Students need to use their study time wisely. 学生需要好好运用他们的学习时间。
- Make an agreement with your living mates about study time. 跟同住的人达成学习时间协议。
- Manage Your Time is a step-by-step plan to help you to make the most of your study time. 这本入门指导将教会你如何合理安排、管理你的学习时间。
- Objective: Study time and laws of the secondary failure to sulfonylureas (SF) in type 2 diabetes. 目的:探讨2型糖尿病发生继发磺脲类药物失效(SF)的时间、规律。
- In June 2003 , After finished the study time, we get reay for final desertation writing. 2004年论文答辩结束后,进入了天津一家国营大型储运公司工作。
- I miss my school study time and classmate every much even the puisne bloom which gone for ever. 这是一个特别的感觉,并可能不知道如何表达。
- Yes, and despite these facts, students nowadays are often sacrificing sleep for extra study time. 是的,除了这些,现在很多学生用牺牲睡眠来换取额外的学习时间。
- Objectives:To study time effects of the enzymatic safflower oil hydrolysis in a solvent free system by a lipase from Aspergillus niger. 目的:研究无溶剂体系中脂肪酶催化红花油水解反应的时间效应。
- Going outside and throwing the frisbee with your colleagues may be just what you need to refresh your study time later in the day. 你也许还需要到户外跟同学玩玩飞碟,这样才有更好的精力应付当天晚些时候的学习。
- The graduate student study time surpasses for 37 weeks, must after moving in relates berth arrangement surplus time the lodging. 研究生学习时间超过37周,要在入住后联系住宿处安排剩余时间住宿。
- I will treasure the estimable learning opportunity, during the study time of a valuable year, make great efforts to improve one's own professional level and Korean level. 我会珍惜难能可贵的学习机会,在宝贵的一年的学习时间里,努力提高自己的专业水平以及韩语水平。
- Four years of study time is too short for every student to spend, but I had not hold the chance consummately, so as to I spent those four years time characterless. 四年的学习生涯,对于每一位学子来说可谓及其短暂而珍贵,而我却没有完全把握好这四年的学习时光,以致于我很平凡的度过这四年的大好时光。
- University this period of time is your best study time, therefore asks you to give up enjoy, remoulds diligently, for later soaraway agglomeration strength. 大学这段时间是你们最佳的学习时间,所以请你们放弃享受,努力地重塑自我,为以后的腾飞积聚力量。
- I'll be study English this time tomorrow. 明天这个时候我在学英语。
- Educationally speaking, taking part-time jobs during the schooling may waste students' precious studying time. 51从教育学的角度而言,孩子在上学期间做兼职工作将会浪费许多宝贵的时间。
- Next time we'll study the action of the liver. 下次我们将研究肝功能。