- His speeches fermented trouble among the work force. 他的讲话在工人中引起骚动。
- There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force. 劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾。
- Be this guy a student work part-time? 这个人是打工的学生吗?
- student work force 学生工作队伍
- Can a foreign student work without a work permit? 外国学生没有工作许可证可以工作吗?
- The teacher is appraising the students' work. 老师正在评定学生的作业。
- Third, the employment of the rural work force. 第三,农村劳动力就业。
- The work force has been laid off. 工人们被辞退了。
- Work well with a multicultural work force. 能够和不同文化的人一起出色地工作。
- Keywords: work, work force, value, law. 关键词:劳动、劳动力、价值、定律。
- EF Magazine always welcomes student work and feedback! EF英孚第一杂志始终鼓励广大学员的参与!
- Half of its work force is employed in agriculture. 半数劳动力从事农业工作。
- Continuous assessment is made of all students' work. 对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。
- A course library page supports student work on class assignments. 有课程图书馆网页支持学生的课堂作业.
- Many of the professional groups developed from the student work. 许多专业团队是从学生工作中成长起来。
- Is this guy a student working part - time? 这个人是打工的学生吗
- The work force stop work when the company can not pay their wages. 公司不能支付工作人员工资时,他们就停工了。
- The student worked on his composition for hours. 这位同学写作文写了好几个小时了。
- We concentrated our work force on setting up the hothouses. 我们集中了劳动力来盖暖房。
- Is this guy a student working part - time ? 这个人是打工的学生吗?