- student record management 学生成绩管理
- Discoursing on the Standardization of Students'Record Management in Higher Educational Institute 浅谈高校学籍管理的规范化
- Solid track record managing multiple kitchens. 有效地进行厨房行政管理工作。
- Each Student record has a first name, last name, and an array of integers that represents their test scores in the class. 每个Student记录都有名、姓和表示他们在班级中的测验分数的整数数组。
- A client server based solution for school administrations with student record, class record, instructor record, payment record functions, etc. 是基于学校行政管理的代理伺服器,为学校提供学生记录、班级记录、学校缴收记录和家长通讯。
- Conclusion Medical record management needs to be normalized,standardized,legalized,socialized to advance with times. 结论病案管理必须进一步走向规范化、标准化、法制化、社会化才能与时俱进。
- An organization implements records management in two stages. 组织分两个阶段实施记录管理。
- A learning simulation, a conferencing tool, and a student record keeper should be as untroublesome to use as a television, a telephone, and a notebook. 像模拟学习工具、视频会议工具、学生记录跟踪工具必须跟使用电视、电话和做常规记录一样通用且简单。
- Software that digitizes tasks in HR, such as payroll or employee record management. 将人力资源管理任务,如工资单或者员工记录管理等电子化的软件。
- Work time ? Average time it takes to complete any call related work, i.e., record management, faxing information to the Decision Maker, etc. 工作时间-平均用来处理每一通电话所需要的所有时间,如:记录管理、传真信息给客户等。
- Conclusion Medical record management is significantly changing towards digital, hi-intellectualized, electronic health record. 结论病案信息管理发生显著的变化,向数字化、高智能化的电子病案方向发展。
- As part of MIDP,record management system(RMS) provides a mechanism for persistent storage on small,handheld devices with limited capabilities. 作为MIDP的一部分,记录管理系统(RMS)实现了在手机等微小型系统上持久存储的能力。
- I also authorize the College to transfer my information to the student record system of the University upon my admission and to carry out periodic checks on registration whereby enrolment information is exchanged among tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. 本人亦授权学院于本人被取录后将有关资料转作学生纪录,及作为本港各大专院校间注册资料交换用。
- Guarantee Records Management (GRM) started its business in 1987 in New York. 1987年GRM在纽约创立了第一家信息档案文件管理公司。
- Records management is to maintain the integrity of files and security. 摘要档案管理就是维护档案的完整与安全。
- students records management 学生档案管理
- The recordset contains all of the student records, sorted in descending order (Z to A) by last name, then by first name. 记录集包含所有的学生记录,以降序(Z到A)先按姓排序,然后按名排序。
- To empolder medical record management quality supervises and control the software includes follows management of medical record,circulates management of medi... 结论利用病案质控管理软件、电子病历智能化质控软件、病案管理质量监控软件进行全方位病案质量监控,将明显提高病案书写及管理质量。
- Methods The actuality,future and needs of medical record management in China were analyzed in many aspects such as normalization,standardization,legalization and socialization. 方法从病案规范化、标准化、法制化、社会化诸方面分析病案管理的发展趋势,以及我国病案管理的现状。
- Good progress was also made during the year in the publication of guidelines and manuals on records management practices. 年内,印制档案管理措施指引及守则的工作,亦取得良好进展。