- The attendant returnedmy student ID to me. 服务员把学生证还给我了。
- At registration I got my new student ID card. 注册时,我拿到新的学生证。
- I'm afraid I left my Student ID card in the dorm. 据说表演精彩,而且学生还可以享受折扣,票价会非常便宜。
- Student ID cards are great for securing your school. 学生证的使用对学校的安全大有好处。
- Discounts only on production of your student ID card. 须出示学生证方可打折。
- Suppose you obtain the student ID in the variable strInputID. 假定您在变量strInputID中获得学生ID。
- My student ID card is on the floor under the window. 我的学生卡在地板上,窗户下。
- Driver's license, student ID, and credit cards were all inside. 学生证,以及信用卡都在里面。
- You need your student ID to get into the student recreation center. 你要有学生证才能进入学生活动中心。
- Discounts will only be given on production of your student ID card. 须出示学生证方可打折。
- W: Ah-huh. I'm afraid I left my Student ID card in the dorm. 啊,恐怕我把学生证放宿舍里了。
- Lending a student ID to other people to enter the dorm. 十六)将宿舍门禁卡借他人使用。
- In the Data Type column, change the setting for Student ID from Number to Text. 在“数据类型”列中,将“学生ID”的设置从“数字”更改为“文本”。
- Inserts the values of course ID and student ID in the CourseAttendence table. 将课程ID和学生ID的值插入CourseAttendence表中。
- Picture this,I used to carry a big purse pregnant with cash when I went shopping in Beijing,but now my purse was almost empty except for two credit cards and my student ID. 想想我以前在北京去商店购物时,钱包装得满满的,而如今除了两张信用卡和学生证,几乎是空的。
- In the Student Majors table, double-click the Student ID field to add it to the grid. 在“学生专业”表中,双击“学生ID”字段以将其添加到网格中。
- The parameter value is different each time you requery the recordset for a new student ID. 每次在记录集中再次查询新学生的ID时,此参数值是不同的。
- Drag the Student ID field from the Class Enrollments table to the Student ID field of the Student Majors table. 将“课程注册”表中的“学生ID”字段拖动到“学生专业”表中的“学生ID”字段。
- Clear the check box in the Show row of the Student ID column of the design grid. 在设计网格中,清除“学生ID”列的“显示”行中的复选框。
- Each queuing student can rent one locker by presenting one student ID at a time. Delegation is allowed. 每个轮候的同学每次只能出示一个学生证租借一个储物箱。为方便同学,接受代理租借。