- structured walkthrough 结构预演
- A structured collection of data objects, forming a data type. 多个数据对象的结构化汇集,以形成一种数据类型。
- To complete this walkthrough, you need a Web test. 若要完成此演练,您需要一个Web测试。
- In this walkthrough the resources are strings. 本演练中的资源为字符串。
- In this walkthrough you will work with tracing. 在本演练中,您将使用跟踪。
- This process is described in this walkthrough page. (本演练页面描述了此过程)。
- This walkthrough uses an XML file for convenience. 为方便起见,本演练使用了一个XML文件。
- This walkthrough uses an XML file. 本演练使用XML文件。
- You will not write any code in this walkthrough. 在本演练中,您将不会编写任何代码。
- This is just a rough walkthrough for a warrior. 这只是一个战士的简单游戏攻略。
- Walkthrough review of the application. 漫游审查的申请。
- Desert background: Mars vaunt-courier walkthrough. 沙漠背景: 火星吹嘘-送快信的游戏攻略。
- Fire walkthrough is also very necessary. 消防操练也不一不合必给。
- How are the conjunctive words structured? 摘要关联词语中以连词居多。
- Structured teaching facilitates learning. 有条理的教导有利于学习。
- How is an AdWords account structured? AdWords帐户是如何构成的?
- How is this case study structured? 案例分析是如何组成的?
- Large, structured and efficient Production team. 大型和能高效制作的队伍。
- A database is a structured collection of data. 一个数据库是一个结构收集数据。
- What do you like about structured finance? 结构金融吸引你的是什么?