- Bottom frame structures seismic design analysis in code prescript 底框结构抗震分析规范规定中的若干讨论
- structural seismic design 结构抗震
- These curves can provide basis for structural seismic analysis. 这些曲线可以为结构抗震分析提供依据。
- The natural frequency is an important parameter of building, it reflects the structural dynamic feature and lays the foundation of seismic design. 频率是结构固有的重要参数,它反映了结构的动力特性,也是结构抗震设计的重要基础。
- Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings II. 钢筋混凝土和砌体结构的抗震设计2。
- Conventional seismic design is based on the rigid foundation assumption. 常规的抗震设计都是基于刚性地基的假定。
- De la Llera, J.C. and Chopra, A.K., (1995), “Estimation of accidental torsion effects for seismic design of buildings,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 121, No. 1, January. 林志强,(1999),质量偏心之扭矩效应,国立台湾科技大学营建工程技术研究所硕士论文,郑蘩教授指导。
- Abstract: Most of aseismic structural design methods based on force or displacement can't reflect the effect of duration of ground motion, but the energy-based seismic design methods can do. 文章快照: 引言近年来,关于强震作用期间结构累积破坏的研究越来越得到结构工程师们的关注,但大部分现行抗震规范并没有直接考虑这一影响。
- Structural seismic strengthening adopting with metallic dampers has been proven to be a cost-effective, simple and reliable method. 采用金属耗能器进行结构抗震加固是一种较经济、简单、又可靠的耗能减震加固方法。
- A comparison table is made for API, CNS/ JIS, GB seismic design standards, and how to apply to the Taiwan area. 此外本文亦概要比较了当前各国(PI、NS/IS、B)震设计标准的内容,以及应用在台湾地区的使用方法。
- A comparison table is made for API, CNS/JIS, GB seismic design standards, and how to apply to the Taiwan area. 此外本文亦概要比较了目前各国(API、CNS/JIS、GB)耐震设计标准的内容,以及应用在台湾地区的使用方法。
- The seismic intensity ratifies according to jurisdiction regulated by the state as a criterion of local seismic design. 按国家规定的权限批准作为一个地区抗震设防依据的地震烈度。
- By applying the ADRC to the structural seismic response control of the system with the input time delay, the simulation proves that the ADRC is feasible to damping the structural seismic response. 通过自抗扰控制器在输入含有时滞的结构减振控制中的应用,仿真结果表明对输入含时滞时结构减振控制效果明显,自抗扰控制器对时滞系统的控制是可行的。
- E.Rosenblueth,Optimum seismic Design of Linear shear Buidings[J]. J.Struct.div.ASCE.1976 STS,May. 王光远.;剪切型多层框架抗震设计的最优刚度分析[J]
- Priestley, M.J.N., Seible, F., and Calvi, M.(1996), Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, New York: Wiley &Sons. 台湾省结构工程技师公会(2003),钢筋混凝土建筑物耐震能力评估手册,台北:科技图书。
- Real-time substructure testing and active control testing demonstrate that the testing system can deal with the asynchronies of data acquisition and calculation,and can be applied in structural seismic performance testing with different requirements. 已进行的实时子结构试验、主动控制试验表明,试验系统解决了数据采集和程序计算之间不同步的问题,可以应用于不同要求的结构抗震性能试验中。
- Priestley, M. J. N., Seible, F., and Calvi, G. M., "Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges", Jonh Wiley &Sons, New York, 1996. 范立础、卓卫东,“桥梁延性抗震设计”,人民交通出版社,北京,2001。
- Combination with the existing research achievements, the thesis aims to some exploration and research on simulating and predicting structural seismic response based on MATLAB NN toolbox. 本文结合已有的研究成果,利用MATLAB软件平台的神经网络工具箱对结构的地震反应进行仿真和预测的探索和研究。
- How to control the torsional response of structures under earthquake action is a problem frequently occurred in seismic design. 摘要如何控制结构在地震作用下的扭转作用是结构抗震设计中经常遇到的问题。
- There is a contrast between seismic design code of different countries because of economic condition and seismic fortification. 由经济条件和抗震设防思想存在差异,各国抗震设计规范中的规定也不尽相同。