- Isolation and structural elucidation of the flavonoids from the stings of Gleditsia sinensis L. 皂角刺中黄酮类化学成分的分离鉴定。
- These examples show that multidimensional NMR techniques play important roles in structural elucidation for organic compounds. 从而显示出多维NMR技术在有机结构分析中的重要作用。
- Mass spectrometry plays a crucial role in the structure elucidation on new sterols,notably those from marine organism. 质谱学在新的甾醇特别是海洋甾醇的结构鉴定中起到了至关重要的作用。
- A program is described for structure generation in ASES/MS structure elucidation system. 本文介绍了ASES/MS结构解析系统的分子结构产生程序。
- To acquaint themselves with modern techniques about structure elucidation of natural compounds and developing trends of natural medicine. 了解天然药物成分的现代测定技术和方法;了解天然药物学科发展新动态。
- The present paper discussed the ap-plication of the regular patterns of organic mass spectrometry to the structure elucidation of . 有机质谱学在中药药效物质的结构确定中起到了至关重要的作用。
- Topics include spectroscopy, spectrometry, and structure elucidation with an emphasis on the application of infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 主题包括光谱学,分光测定法和重点应用红外和核磁共振分析法来阐述分子的结构。
- A program which is a functional part of ASES/MS structure elucidation system was developed for substructure identification from neutral loss information. 本文介绍ASES/MS结构解析系统中基于中性丢失信息的亚结构鉴定程序。
- This thesis dealed with the extraction and systematic isolation of Paris Polyphylla Smith, as well as the structure elucidation of the compounds isolated from this plant. 该植物具有清热解毒、消肿止痛、凉肝定惊之功效,近年来诸多药理实验研究表明该植物具有止血、抗肿瘤、抗生育、免疫调节及心血管等多方面的生理活性。
- Saponins is an important active component in plants. In this paper the medicinal function, extraction and separation, chemical structure elucidation of saponins were briefly discussed. 综述了皂甙的药理活性、提取分离和结构鉴定方法,旨在对皂甙应用提供参考。
- Isolation of Soyasaponin A and Their Structural Elucidation with ESI/MS 大豆皂甙A的分离与ESI/MS分析
- There is a structural alteration to the building. 这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。
- Keywords Jaspis sp.;Isomalabaricane triterpenes;Structural elucidation;Biogenetic relationship; 异臭椿类三萜;结构鉴定;生源关系;
- I was shocked at the structural damage. 我对建筑所遭的破坏感到震惊。
- Keywords Pregnenolone;Impurity;Structure elucidation; 妊娠烯醇酮;杂质;结构确证;
- Keywords Aster farreri;Monoterpenoid;Structure elucidation; 线叶紫菀;单萜;结构分析;
- Keywords itraconazole;isomer;synthesis;structure elucidation; 伊曲康唑;异构体;合成;结构阐明;
- miniaturization of the structure elucidation process 结构鉴定微型化
- A structural unit, such as a beam or wall. 构材建筑物之单位结构,如横梁或墙