- They have created a strong tendency toward total digitalization in equipment. 它们促成了设备全面数字化的倾向。
- At present,there is a strong tendency towards a compromise with Britain. 目前和英国妥协的趋势甚大。
- At present, there is a strong tendency towards a compromise with Britain. 目前和英国妥协的趋势甚大。
- Boy have a stronger tendency to fight than girls. 男孩子比女孩子好打架。
- Boys have a stronger tendency to fight than girls. 男孩比女孩更有打斗倾向。
- There has been a strong tendency for more women of working age to participate in the labor force. 出现了达到工作年龄的妇女更多地加入到劳动大军中去的趋势。
- Girls have a stronger tendency to chatter than boys. 女孩子较男孩子性好饶舌。
- Presley was a confirmed dreamer, irresolute, inactive, with a strong tendency to melancholy. 普瑞斯莱是个不可救药的梦想家,优柔寡断,喜静厌动,常常会觉得郁郁不乐。
- This rankled and compounded his already strong tendency to see himself beset by enemies. 这一点刺痛了他的心,而且加深了他那种已经很强烈的,认为自己四面受敌的倾向。
- In British journalistic usage on the other hand there is a strong tendency for it to be understood as simply a connoisseur of films. 但在英国新闻用语中总是倾向于把它理解成“影片鉴赏家”的意思。
- They can also destroy a team as they have more than a strong tendency to always overdo those things. 但是他们也可能毁掉一支球队,因为他们太有表演欲望而总是过于粘球。
- A. radioresistens lipase has a strong tendency to be adsorbed on the n-hexadecane-water interface. 本文提出新的策略之一:以水-正十六烷之油水界面行疏水性吸附,自酦酵液中回收脂肪酵素。
- The downside of a Neptune-Venus-Sun conjunction is the strong tendency to project. 日金海合相的缺点就是使得命主有很强的映射倾向。
- Verify this for yourself by observing those around you who have a strong tendency to hold on to the past. 可以观察周围那些有强烈倾向紧握“过去”不放手的人们来验证一下。
- They exhibit strong tendency to cause cytotoxicity, necrosis at local tissue and systolic heart arrest. 药理学上的观察显示:受到眼镜蛇咬伤的伤者,咬伤区域的组织有严重的发炎反应。
- To sum up, the event noun has a strong tendency of combination with the medium [+timeliness] classifier subcategory. 总体来看,事件名词倾向于选择时间不强也不弱,即时间性居中的动量词、时量词或名量词小类。关键词 语料库;语义特征;时间性;
- The counterculture movements from the 1950s to 1960s in America showed a strong tendency to oriental religions. 摘要美国五六十年代的反主流文化运动体现出非常强烈的东方宗教倾向。
- Koreans have a comparatively strong tendency for material consumption among Asians. 在东亚国家中,韩国人有较高的消费倾向。
- In other words,iron has a strong tendency to rust if exposed to air and damp,for iron and oxygen make rust,or red oxide of iron. 换言之,铁如果接触空气和湿气特别容易生锈,因为铁与氧化合成锈或红色的氧化铁。
- The last four Argentine Draft Civil Codes unify both contractual and non contractual liability systems. There is also a strong tendency among the Peruvian doctrine. 最后的四个阿根廷民法典草案都统一了契约与非契约责任制度。这种趋势也强烈地体现在秘鲁的学说中。