- stripe geometry laser 条纹几何激光器
- Study on Kinks in P-I Characteristic Curves of Semiconductor Quantum-well Stripe Geometry Lasers 量子阱半导体激光器P-I特性曲线扭折的研究
- A Stable Model of Stripe Geometry DH Semiconductor Laser 条型DH半导体激光器的稳态模型
- bombardment isolated stripe geometry (GaAl) As/GaAs DH lasers D_2~+轰击隔离条形(GaAl)As/GaAs双异质结构激光器
- Spontaneous Emission Factor for Stripe Geometry DH Semiconductor Lasers 条形DH半导体激光器的自发发射因子
- John lost a stripe for being rude on parade. 约翰因在检阅时鲁莽失礼被降了一级。
- I feel that geometry is a difficult subject. 我认为几何是一门难学的课程。
- I need one without stripe, please. 我需要没有条纹的。
- Lateral Distribution of Injection Current in Stripe Geometry Semiconductor Lasers 条形半导体激光器注入电流的横向分布
- The students are learning solid geometry. 这些学生正在学习立体几何学。
- His brother is a politician of the worst stripe. 他的兄弟属于最不入流的政客。
- Stripe Geometry and Performance of High Speed GaAlAs/GaAs Edge-Emitting LED with Asymmetrical Waveguide 非对称波导GaAlAs/GaAs快速边发光管的几何结构及性能
- Influence of Structure Parameters on Threshold Current Density of Planar Stripe Geometry InGaAsP/lnP DH Lasers InGaAsP/InP平面条形双异质结激光器结构参数对阈值电流密度的影响
- Intrinsic Pulsation Induced by Lateral Carrier Waveguiding in Stripe Geometry DH Semiconductor Lasers 半导体DH条型注入激光器中侧向载流子波导引起的本征自脉动
- Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check? 你要哪种料子来做新连衣裙,条子的还是方格的?
- slab geometry laser 平板几何激光器
- strip geometry laser 带状激光器
- John got a stripe for clever signaling work. 约翰由于信号工作做得聪明灵巧而被升了一级。
- This latter geometry he called astral geometry. 这后一种几何他称为星空几何。
- He is good at spherical geometry. 他对球面几何学很拿手。