- Query execution is the basis of query process mechanism. 查询处理机制中查询执行是基本。
- The structure of IETF SPS adopt completely distributed processing mechanism. IETF建议的SPS体系结构采取完全分布式的处理机制。
- Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery, Inc. was established to further extend the metals rolling and strip processing plant business. 三菱日立钢铁设备有限公司的建立;进一步扩大了金属轧制和带钢加工厂的经营业务.
- To transform or process mechanically in a mill. 磨出,以机械加工通过研磨机而整形或制造
- The bridles and the tension control techniques are the key instruments and technoloqies for the modern tandem strip processing line to work efficiently. 张紧装置及张紧力的调整、控制是保证现代带钢连续机组正常运转的关键设备和技术。
- Thus, in either case the entry to the kernel is through the interrupt processing mechanism. 因此,无论在哪种情况下都是通过中断处理机制进入内核。
- Future study directions on the binaural processing mechanism were also suggested. 最后对该领域未来研究方向作展望.
- This paper discussed the processing mechanism and instanced some vanishing cream and shampoo with acidic soap. 以酸性皂在雪花膏和香波中的应用为研究对象,列举了酸性皂应用在化妆及洗涤类产品中自然形成珠光的实例。
- This suggests that quantifiers and nouns may have similar processing mechanism in sentential context. 这表明量词和名词在存储表征机制上相似,但是在句子情景中,二者的加工机制又可能存在不同。
- Self-organizing maps are an easy and effective methods which imitate signal processing mechanism of humans. 自我组织图是模仿人类大脑处理讯息的一个很简单而又有效的方法。
- The paper investigated the microstructure and properties of AZ91D Magnesium alloys strip processed after semi-solid state by casting-rolling. 实验研究了半固态铸轧成形技术制备的AZ91D镁合金板带的再加工组织性能及特点。
- The information processing mechanism for Neural Network Computers (NNCs)being explained,two functional models of NNC systems are presented. 在阐明神经网络计算机(NNC)信息处理机理的基础上,给出NNC系统的两个功能模型。
- LT series screw rotation feeding machine is necessary machines for plastic processing mechanism it can convey powdered plastic materials to hopper. lt系列螺旋传动上料机为塑料加工机械所需的配套辅机,可将粉状或颗粒状塑料原料直接自动输送至料斗内,是调整混合机专用设备。
- Objective: To research the process mechanism of Atractylodes macrocephala and conversion of sesquiterpenes from it. 目的:对白术的炮制机理及其炮制过程中倍半萜类成分的转变进行研究。
- And at the same time , the author has made a thoroughly analysis of the reeled processing mechanism of the precise steel canister . 本文对液压油缸滚压加工的原理进行了分析;对精密钢筒滚压机理进行了研究;对精密钢筒滚压加工滚压力推导出计算公式。
- Problems and Strategics of Hot Strip Processing 热轧宽带钢生产疑难问题及对策
- EPC and CPC Systems for Strip Processing Lines 带材纠偏和对中控制系统
- When a designer transaction is canceled, the transaction processing mechanism attempts to roll back the changes that have been made so far in the transaction. 取消设计器事务后,事务处理机制尝试回滚事务中到目前为止所做的更改。
- Elephants strip the leaves from trees. 大象剥去了树上的叶子。
- Database snapshots provide the foundation for a robust snapshot processing mechanism that can reduce lock contention at the publication database during snapshot generation. 数据库快照为功能强大的快照处理机制提供了基础,此机制可减少快照生成期间在发布数据库中的锁争用。