- strike their coloursvt. 投降(屈服)
- In spring the flowers disclose their colours. 花朵在春天显露其多姿多彩。
- Sort these cards according to [by] their colours. 把这些卡片按颜色归类。
- To effect an unhampered advance, strike their vacuities. 我专为一,敌分为十,是以十攻其一也。
- Varieties of roses can be crossed to vary their colour. 不同品种的玫瑰可以杂交以改变其颜色.
- Variety of roses can be crossed to vary their colours. 不同品种的玫瑰可以杂交以改变其颜色。
- People tend to show their colours in times of emergency. 在紧急时刻,人们往往暴露他们的本质。
- Their colours range from brown to bright orange or yellow. 颜色从棕色、亮橘色或黄色都有。
- To re-invent and re-interpret, their colours natural and earthy. 特点:复古的创作与诠释,色彩自然而朴实。
- Insects are attracted to flowers by their colour,scent and nectar. 昆虫为花的色彩、香气和花蜜所吸引。
- The players struck their boss for the payment. 球员们为要求老板加薪而罢赛。
- The German Air Corps had waited for more than seven months to strike their blow and prove their mettle. 德国空军军团待命出击以一试其锋芒,已经有七个多月了。
- Precise Shot Your missile attacks may pass through other characters to strike their target. 精准射击你的远程攻击可以避开队友攻击到敌人。
- Elves employ stealth, speed and cunning to strike their foes. They are masters of faerie magic, and readily gather the powers of magic instilling it in all that they touch. 精灵对敌人的打击很诡异,他们行动迅速兼且狡猾。精灵是仙灵魔法的大师,并且他们无论碰到什么,都会想要收集其中的魔法能量。
- They were forced to strike their clours after we had defeated them in a severe argument. 我们在一次激烈的争论中驳倒了他们,打那以后他们不得不放弃了自己的主张。
- The fighters use every part of their bodies, especially their feet, knees and elbows to strike their opponents. 拳击手会使用全身上下每一个部位,特别是他们的脚、膝和肘来攻击他们的对手。
- The employers and the two trade unionists had a warm debate for three hours,then the former had to lower their colours. 资方和两个工会代表激烈地争辩了3个小时,后来资方不得不让步。
- The lights were powerful enough to penetrate the roofs of their mouths and strike their retinas, where light is recorded. 当时研究人员发现,视觉敏感性会在人们眨眼之前开始变弱,但此时大脑内部又发生了什么?
- I'm sure flowers will add beauty to your office. Their aroma lifts spirits, and their colours alleviate eyestrain. 花卉肯定能美化您的办公室。它们的芬芳让你神清气爽,颜色能解除您的眼睛疲劳。
- Vieira was a hero to Gunners fans and pulled on their colours recently in a testimonial match for Dennis Bergkamp. 维埃拉是枪手球迷心中的英雄,最近他们刚刚在丹尼斯.;博格坎普的告别赛中送走了球队的旗帜性人物。