- They also hope to strike a deal with Murphy as the talking Donkey, and Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots. 他们也希望能够与为“会说话的驴”和“穿靴子的猫”配音的墨菲和安东尼奥·班德拉斯达成协议。
- Ten years after repudiating its international debts,Argentina hopes to strike a deal with unpaid creditors this month. 十年前拒付国际债务的阿根廷希望在本月与债权国达成一个协议。
- P>Meanwhile, Martin Jorgensen is hoping that Fiorentina will strike a deal with Udinese so that he can continue his Tuscan adventure. 同时,马丁·约根森希望佛罗伦萨会与乌迪内斯敲定一纸协议,那样他就能继续他在托斯卡纳的旅程了。
- Malcolm Turnbull, the Liberal leader, then persuaded his party to strike a deal with the government to make the scheme more business-friendly. 此后在自由党领袖特恩布尔的说服下,反对党与工党政府达成协议,以使该计划更加有利于经济增长。
- Mr Skinner and Mr Albanese faced two options for raising cash: launch a massive rights issue or strike a deal with Chinalco. 斯金纳和艾博年筹措现金时面临两种选择:大规模配股发行,或与中国铝业达成交易。
- As for McGrady, I think the Rockets should strike a deal with the Astros where they can trade him to be their fifth starting pitcher. 至于麦蒂,我想火箭应该和太空人队(休斯顿的棒球队)提议来个交换,然后他可以去当他们的第五投手了。
- Milton bought the rubber bands, finally striking a deal with a manufacturer to buy them in bulk. 负责购买皮筋,后来索性从生产商那里批量购买。
- Milan are currently on the treadmill for Emanuel Adebayor but, if they fail to land him, they may strike a deal with the Bluagrana for Ronaldinho. 米兰现在仍然在争取阿德巴约的转会,但是收购一旦失败,他们将迅速转向巴塞罗那求购罗纳尔迪尼奥。
- Earlier this month Kodak struck a deal with Ricoh to distribute its mono and colour machines in the EU. 柯达公司在本月初达成了协议,与理光散发其单和颜色的机器在欧盟。
- TRD recently struck a deal with Alpine to produce a stripped down kit for TRD to market as their own kit. TRD最近感动一与的交易高山到市场为TRD生产一套向下脱去的工具作为他们自己的工具。
- Lenovo has also struck a deal with Vodafone UK to ship these laptops with a built-in Vodafone 3G connection. 联想也正在和英国的沃达丰谈一项在这些笔记本电脑出货时内建沃达丰3G连接的交易。
- Skilling said he never considered striking a deal with prosecutors because he believed he had done nothing wrong. 斯奇林说他从来就没有想过与检察官达成任何诉辩交易因为他相信他没有错。
- I sent Joe along to sus out the possibility of doing a deal with them. 我派乔去了解一下与他们做一笔交易的可能性。
- Should Mr Abe find himself a few seats short, he might be able to persuade two or three from the DPJ to jump the aisle, and, bizarrely, he might strike a deal with the tiny People's New Party. 如果安倍首相自己发现少了一些席位,他或许可以从民主党的阵营中策反2到3个人,更有甚者,他可以打压小的人民新党。
- We did a deal with the management on overtime. 在加班问题上我们与管理部门达成一项协议。
- Have you been hatching up a deal with her? 你是不是在和她密谋什么交易?
- I'll try to make a deal with him. 我试着和他协议。
- A deal with the fish of the game. 一款与鱼打交道的游戏。
- He's always had a deal with Way-lands. 他一直是跟威兰公司来往的。
- A cat burglar invaded the bedroom of the President of the United States, who confronted him, struck a deal with him and helped him escape. 一个由屋顶潜入的窃贼钻进了美国总统的卧室,总统同他觌面相遇,与他达成一笔交易,并帮助他逃之夭夭。