- strictly fuzzy convex set 强模糊凸集
- The fuzzy numbers with compact supports and strictly fuzzy convexity are introduced, and the parametric representation of fuzzy numbers is given. 摘要介绍具有紧支撑且严格模糊凸的模糊数,给出了模糊数的参数表示。
- This essay use an untraditional way to prove two plenty condition of a fuzzy sets is fuzzy convex sets in the lower semi continuity. 摘要用一种新的更传统的方法证明了在下半连续的条件下模糊凸性的两个充分条件。
- fuzzy convex set 模糊凸集合
- fuzzy convex sets 凸模糊集
- Every weakly countably compact closed convex set in a locally convex space has the quasi-weak drop property. 局部凸空间中每个弱可数紧闭凸集具拟弱滴状性质.
- This Paper discusses the linear regression of one variable from the vie-wpoint of convex set and convex function in the light of the MSAE principles. 本文用凸集和凸函数观点讨论按MSAE准则下的一元线性回归.
- Projection onto convex sets (POCS) is used in this paper. 本文采用POCS方法进行超分辨率图像复原研究。
- The author illustrates in this article the properties of fuzzy convex cone based on the fuzzy normed space;furthermore, testifies the two relevant propositions in the fuzzy normed space. 在模糊赋范空间的背景上,得到了模糊凸锥的若干性质,同时,还给出了模糊赋范空间中两个相关命题的证明。
- The problem of the existence of a cone subdifferential for the cone convex set valued maps in the locally convex, linear and topological vector space is discussed. 在局部凸线性拓扑向量空间讨论了一种锥凸集值映射的锥次微分的存在性问题;证明了几个锥次微分的存在定理.
- Along with the development of convex fuzzy set, people investigate the convexity of fuzzy mapping on convex sets and its application in fuzzy programming. 随着凸模糊集研究的深入与发展,人们讨论了模糊映射在凸集上的凸性及其在模糊规划中的应用。
- Definition and Research on Convex Set of Fuzzy Random Vectors 对模糊随机向量凸集的定义及探讨
- The Structure and Properties of Convex Set of Fuzzy Random Vectors 模糊随机向量凸集的结构和性质
- The existence and uniqueness of the element of best approximation on sequentially weak compact convex set in the normed linear spaces are studied,the conclusion of which improves and generalizes the existing result of Erwin kreysziy. 研究了在严格凸赋范线性空间上无穷维弱列紧凸子集的最佳近似元的存在与唯一性,所得结论改进和推广了Erwin Kreysziy 等已有的结果。
- During on-line computation, an appropriate invariant ellipsoid is chosen from the terminal convex set according to the real state, which enlarges the initial feasible region efficiently. 在线运算时,根据实际的终端状态即时地选择合适的终端不变集,从而有效地扩大了系统的可行域。
- Some important properties of multifacility location models are to be dealt with, and an optimality condition for multifacility location problem on a closed convex set is put forward. 主要讨论多场址模型的性质,并给出了闭凸集上多场址问题的最优性条件。
- Her business this year is strictly on the bum. 我们今年的生意实在坏透了。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- Convex sets and functions have many interesting and useful properties which are not explored in detail here. 凸集和凸函数具有很多重要的和有用的性质,在此不作详细讨论。
- The student accommodationis strictly utilitarian. 为学生提供的住宿极其实惠。