- We should maintain a strict standard for public hearings to avoid excessive and low-quality ones. 我们要对公开的听证会严格把关,防止听证会过多、过滥。
- Intensify the standard concept of the enterprise and regulate the behavior of the staff with strict standard. 强化企业的标准化概念,以严格的标准来规范全体员工的行为。
- In order to straighten things out, we must have strict standards. 整顿,一定要从严。
- In order to straighten things out,we must have strict standards. 整顿,一定要从严。
- Clothing to their own strict standards, to develop a high grade. 服装以严格的标准要求自身,开拓具有高品位。
- The patients who have no AEDs enter monotherapy group ,and the patients who were curing by not more than 2 drugs enter concomitant therapy group by strict standard. 经严格的入选及排除标准,确定未用任何抗癫痫药物者入选单药治疗组; 目前正在应用2种以下正规抗癫痫药物者入选托吡酯添加治疗组。
- Third Session's summit communique, related only has two words with the land: “the perfect strict standard's countryside land management system”, as well as “raises the land yield rate”. 三中全会的会议公报,与土地有关的仅有两句话:“健全严格规范的农村土地管理制度”,以及“提高土地产出率”。
- Political figures in particular are held to very strict standards of marital fidelity. 衡量政界人物对婚姻 是否忠诚的标准尤其严格。
- As for charity,Buffett's strict standards have made it difficult for him to give much away. 巴菲特严格的处事标准使他即使是面对慈善事业也很难慷慨解囊。
- SPV to be set strict standards for banks to buy mortgage assets to control risk assets. 这些标准大致有:(1)资产购买日贷款本金余额(每笔)的最高与最低限额。
- Mr Guo said Beijing will enact strict standards on emissions this year and take other steps to curb pollution. 郭金龙说,今年北京将会对为期排放实施严格的标准,并采取其它行动控制污染。
- To safeguard the public against swimming in polluted waters,the government has adopted strict standards for water quality control in bathing beaches. 为保障泳客免受污水感染,环保署采取严格的水质标准,监察泳滩的水质。
- OLY Enterprise Management Philosophy : Strictness、 Standard、Systematically、Precision、Optimum、Perfect. 奥菱企业运作理念:达到标准是根本,超越标准直至完美是目的。
- In order to safeguard the interest of our customer, we have our own quality control section which maintains very strict standards. 保证严格的质量管理体系以满足客人需求。
- To safeguard the public against swimming in polluted waters, the government has adopted strict standards for water quality control in bathing beaches. 为保障泳客免受污水感染,环保署采取严格的水质标准,监察泳滩的水质。
- The banks insure the rest of their portfolios with the CMHC, which keeps them honest by applying strict standards to the mortgages they guarantee. 而银行和CMHC一起为按揭者的剩余组合资产提供保险。人们获得的按揭贷款遵循了严格的标准,这使得加拿大人诚肯踏实。
- E. management plan.On enterprise manage ment, we orientate to:strictness、 standard、 Systematically、 Precision、 Optimum and Perfect. E管理方案的完美与规范,将企业管理定位为:严格、正规、有序、到位、最佳、完美;
- It was due to this strict standard, 也正是因为这样严格的要求
- On the contrary, a character of the enterprise, on product quality with a set of strict standards and requirements, quality, look and feel of packaging are also in this regard. 相反,一个追求高尚品格的企业,对产品内在质量有一套严格的检验标准和要求,内在质量要求高,外观包装也会精益求精。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。