- The desert stretches for thousands of miles. 沙漠连绵数千哩。
- stretching for thousands of li 绵亘数千里
- Men have been making music for thousands of years. 人类创作音乐已有数千年历史。
- Men have lived here for thousands of years. 人们在这儿已经生活几千年了。
- Man remained a hunter for thousands of years. 人类靠狩猎为生达数千年之久。
- Turmeric has been used for thousands of years. 姜黄已经被使用了数千年。
- Bagpipes have been played for thousands of years. 风笛已有千百年的演奏历史。
- Rice has been cultivated in the East for thousands of years. 水稻在东方已经种植了几千年。
- It seems that they have been on earth for thousands of years. 他们似乎在地球上存在了几千年了。
- Encryption has been used for thousands of years to secure data. 数千年来,人们长期使用加密来保护数据。
- For thousands of years, it has developed a unique Tofu culture. 千百年来形成了独特的豆腐文化。
- It can fester in those wide open spaces for thousands of years. 那东西在那些空旷了千百年的地方会化脓烂掉。
- The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles. 辽阔的平原绵延数百英里。
- Stonehenge was a sacred site for thousands of years. 巨石阵几千年来一直是一个圣地。
- Sage has been known to symbolize strength for thousands of years. 鼠尾草千百年来被当作强有力的象征。
- He did a long stretch for attempted murder. 他因谋杀未遂罪坐了很长时间的牢。
- An angry torrent rolls thunderously for thousands of miles.. 怒涛滚滚,一泻千里。
- Sculptors have carved figures in relief for thousands of years. 雕刻家从事浮雕已有数千年的历史。
- So, for thousands of years, people have accepted challenges. 因此千万年来人们一直在接受着挑战。
- but by the time it starts to rush and roar, cascading for thousands of li like ten thousand cataracts tumbling from the sky, an epic grandeur is added to the mysterious "realm of fairy tales." 可是当你看到它那奔腾叫啸,如万瀑悬空,砰然万里,就不免在神秘气氛的“童话世界”上又涂上了一层英雄光彩。