- Meanwhile, the whisker orientation affects the shapes of the stress strain curves of the composites. 同时晶须取向也影响复合材料的热压缩应力-应变曲线的形状。
- An important aspect of the stress strain data in Fig. 78 is the linearity of the log-log plots. 图78中应力-应变数据的一个重要情况是在双对数座标上图线的直线性。
- The formulate of stress、strain and BEF have been deduced and all these have been testified by experiment. 通过实验,证明了这些公式的正确。
- The results show that the method can be applied to strength behaviors and stress strain characteristics of plastic foamed beads light soil. 结果表明:该方法可以比较合理地对塑料发泡颗粒轻质土的应力-应变特征及强度特性进行评价;
- Here, the strain response, accumulated strain and interstratified strain are analyzed andclassed respectively.At last, the cause of sample breakage and the errors of test model arediscussed simply. 并对试验所采集到的各个测点的应变反应、累积应变、层间应变做了归类或对比分析,最后对试件的破坏原因及试验模型的误差也做了简要探讨。
- The earthquake spectrums analysis indicated that the failures of building structural steels at seismic areas are created of high stress strain and low cycle fatigue. 地震波谱分析表明,地震区建筑结构用钢受震时的主要失效形式是高应力低周疲劳损伤和断裂。
- This thesis mainly researches whole performance of high-rise building disposed SRC column and partial stress、strain of SRC column,it belongs to the field of RC. 本文主要研究配置型钢混凝土柱的高层结构的整体工作性能和型钢混凝土柱的局部应力应变情况,属钢筋混凝土课题。
- Finite element method is used to compute the stress and strain responses of unanchored tank under horizontal seismic action considering the interaction between foundation and tank. 摘要在考虑地基与储罐相互作用的情况下,采用有限元法对储罐在水平地震荷载作用下的应力及应变反应进行了数值计算。
- In most cases, the strain responsible for the 2009 swine flu outbreak causes only mild symptoms. 在大都数病例中,导致2009年猪流感爆发的病毒株仅有轻度症状。
- By plasticity increment theory,the stress strain numerical calculate methods of bellows bulge forming, solvers theory calculating problems of bellows bulge forming technology are put forward. 采用塑性增量理论,建立了波纹管液压胀形的应力、应变数值计算方法,解决了波纹管液压胀形工艺的理论计算问题。
- The result indicates, the form of stress strain relations adding the structural parameter are converted into the hyperbolic form, and could be calculated with the expression of hyperbola. 结果表明,引入结构性参数后的应力应变曲线转化为有规律性的双曲线形态,并可用双曲线拟合计算。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Transform domain analysis of rigid pavement dynamic strain response 刚性路面动态应变响应的变换域分析
- Analysis of Stress %26 Strain near the Crack Tip 裂纹尖端附近区域的应力应变场分析
- Discussion on Low Stress Strain Fatigue 低应力应变疲劳的探讨
- nonlinear stress strain relation 非线性应力应变关系
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- Correlation of work ability with occupational stress, strain response and personal resources 职业紧张、紧张反应、应对资源与工作能力的关系
- tensile stress strain relationship 拉伸应力-应变全曲线