- Analysis on Solution of Stress Strength Factor of Control Fissure in Unstable Rock 危岩主控结构面应力强度因子求解分析
- Revision of the Stress Strength Factor of Preformed V Shape Fracture Tip in Case of Plasticity 塑性情况下预制V型裂纹尖端应力强度因子的修正
- Keywords high K ratio method;toughness;stress strength factor;fatigue precracking;welds; 高K比法;断裂韧度;应力强度因子;疲劳预制裂纹;焊缝;
- stress strength factor 应力强度因子
- Finite Element Verification for Calculation of Stress Strength Factors of Pavement Cracks with Weight Function 权函数法计算路面裂纹应力强度因子的有限元验证
- Calculation of Stress Strength Factors at Crack Tip of= Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. by Finite Element 用有限元计算水曲柳裂纹尖端应力强度因子
- Torpedo Attack: This represents a more modern means of reducing your enemy's strength factor, causing high damage. 鱼雷攻击:这是打击敌人的更现代的方法,造成较高的损伤。
- The pseudo-force method is applied to calculate the compressive strength factor of the kinky propagated crack with the effect of interaction among cracks taken into account. 采用伪面力法计算了考虑相互作用的弯折扩展裂纹应力强度因子,并通过一些简化得到了显式的表达式。
- From a strength point of view, FFS can be quantified using the remaining strength factor (RSF). RSF则定义为腐蚀部件的失效载荷与其未腐蚀时的失效载荷之比。
- Reliability design of the mechanism of sliding leadscrew nut is studied by using the stress strength interference model. 应用应力-强度干涉模型,研究了滑动丝杠螺母机构的可靠性设计。
- But open-air stage still had adequate early decay time (EDT) and strength factor (G) to perform Chinese opera. 即使是露台,在合院式戏场中亦能有足够的声学性能,但是其舞台支持度带低,会影响演员与伴奏的演出。
- The monotone property of multivariate function proved that the maximum stress strength point exists on the inner surface of casing under the triaxial stress conditions. 通过实例计算,对比分析了用“三向应力圆”理论与其他几种理论计算的抗挤强度值。
- Moreover, a set of performance indices, including deformability factor D, strength factor S , deformation energy factor Y and overall performance factor F, are presented to d... 而目前普遍采用的极限状态设计方法,是基于对结构弹塑性受力性能研究的深入以及人们对结构使用要求的提高而提出的。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Dividing the forehead into three lines, with well-distributed strength for both sides, and little stress strength on "Tai Yang", rubbing repeatedly for six to thirty six times on each line. 要领:把前额部划分出三条横线,起手时用力一定要左右用力均匀一致,并在“太阳”处稍用力揉按。每条线反复操作六至三十六次。
- Based the numerical simulation for sphere tank with defects,fracture safety assessment and stress strength verification are done under the cases of working pressure and over pressure. 在数值模拟计算含缺陷球罐应力场的基础上,对含缺陷球罐在工作压力和超压两种工况下进行了断裂安全评定和强度校核。
- Theoretical analysis indicates that error probability of detector is independent of image itself, but only relies on the length of embedding watermarks and embedding strength factor. 理论分析表明:检测器的误检测概率与图像本身无关,只取决于嵌入水印长度和嵌入强度因子。
- In this paper the difference of the theoretical values between the twin shear stress strength theory with the Tresca and the Mises strength theories are analysed and compared by a concise method. 应用双剪应力强度理论对拉压异性材料制成的圆环进行了弹塑性应力分析 ,得到了弹性极限内压力、弹塑性极限内压力与拉压比的关系式 ,并举例说明了其在岩土材料抗拉强度测试中的应用。
- Different stress mechanisms and stress strengths resulted in the structural deformation characteristics of different segments in E-W direction since Pliocene. 上新世以来盆地构造变形的东西分段是由不同的应力机制和应力强度引起。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。