- stress relief test 应力消除试验
- Also, you can learn how to use reflexology for pain and stress relief. 同样,你可以学习如何使用反射理论减轻痛苦和压力。
- The act of brewing the tea and slowly sipping it as it cools will provide the same stress relief as a hit of nicotine. 慢慢地品尝,当它冷却的时候一点点地喝,这样会有和尼古丁一样的缓解压力的效果。
- The process and principle of vibration stress relief (VSR) were described in detail. 本文比较详细地描述了振动时效的工艺和原理。
- The investigation of VSR(vibratory stress relief) were started in 1960s because of energy sources crisis. 由于能源危机,60年代人们开始研究振动消除残余应力的机理和应用工艺。
- Nutrilite Natural B Complex is extracted from naturally cultured yeast and cobalamin, providing nutrients for normal nerve function and stress relief. 纽崔莱天然维他命B杂提炼自天然酵母及钴胺素,含7种维他命B,提供养份予神经系统,纾缓生活压力。
- Vibratory stress relief (VSR) can reduce the residual stress in component.The mainly cause is microcosmic plastic deformation of local region. 振动时效使残余应力峰值降低并得到均化的主要原因是材料内部微塑性变形的局部性。
- Aro Guasa Oil is an established 'alternative' natural therapy, which can assist in the treatment of painful aches as well as provide stress relief. 香薰刮痧油为源远流长及自然的"替代"疗法,它不但可以协助减轻疼痛,也有效地减少压力。
- One sample of each luminaire design with a power supply cord shall be tested at least one per quarter to determine compliance with the strain relief test of Clause 13.21.1. 每季度至少一次,用每款带电源线的灯具样品作一次实验,看是否达到第13.;21
- This article discussed the effect of stress relief temperature to the weld microstructures and properties of high strength steel WEL TEN610CF. 对大型球罐用610CF钢焊后去应力退火温度对焊接组织与性能的影响进行了试验。
- By means of FEA, it is concluded that the stress relief groove with an elliptical generatrix has the best effect of stress relief. 通过有限元计算与分析,得到应力释放效果最好的是母线为椭圆线的减应力结构。
- Due to high amplitude,conventional vibratory stress relief(VSR) is doubted to bring fatigue damage of workpieces,which becomes an obstacle for VSR to be widely applied. 常规振动时效的大振幅常常会导致被处理工件的疲劳损伤,这一点局限了其推广和应用。
- Positive changes. If you're trying to change a negative habit (quit smoking), replace it with a positive habit (running for stress relief, for example). 积极改变。如果你想克服自己现在一个坏的习惯,譬如抽烟,最好的办法就是用一个积极的习惯去替换它。
- One sample of each luminaire design with a lamp-supported lampholder shall be tested at least once per quarter to determine compliance with the strain relief test of Clause 13.21.2. 每一款由电灯本身支撑的灯具一个季度至少要用样品作一次实验,看其能否达到第13.;21
- Contrasting vibration stress relief to traditional aging, deseribes the obvious advantages of VSR and suggests that this process should be spread energetically. 对振动时效工艺及传统的时效工艺进行了比较。简述了振动时效工艺过程及其显著优点,并表明应该推广应用这一新工艺。
- hydraulic model for pressure relief test 水工减压模型
- In order to study the stress condition of the underground area at Silin power station,Guizhou Province,which will be constructed,the geostress measurements by acoustic emission(AE) and stress relief methods are carried out here. 为了研究思林电站地下厂房区地应力状态 ,作者采用声发射法 (AE)和现场套心应力解除法对拟建的思林电站进行地应力测量。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Technological Parameter Test for Stress Relief of Weldments 焊接件去应力退火工艺参数试验
- The process of vibratory stress relief(VSR) is discussed to reduce the residual stresses after welding of stainless steel plate. 为了消除超大不锈钢焊接底板的残余应力,研究了采用振动时效(VSR)的方法消除焊接残余应力。