- Strengthening supervision of project quality, plan implementation and fund use. 七是加强了对工程质量、计划执行及资金使用的监督检查工作。
- IV. Further Strengthening supervision and control to improve water conservancy construction. 四、继续加强监管,完善水利工程建设
- Strengthening supervision and management over nuclear security and nuclear radiation. 强化核安全和核辐射环境监督管理;
- To strengthen supervision,check and execution of actions of breaking law and regulation. 是加大监督、稽察力度,严肃处理违法违纪行为。
- Competent authorities should strengthen supervision and administration of their work in air pollution prevention. 企业主管部门应当加强对企业大气污染防治工作的监督管理。
- To learn the situation of rodenticide toxicosis in Yunnan, and to provide basis for strengthening supervision and reducing toxicosis incidents. 目的了解云南省鼠药中毒现状,总结经验教训,为加强卫生监督减少中毒事件提供依据。
- To strengthen supervision, check and execution of actions of breaking law and regulation. 七是加大监督、稽察力度,严肃处理违法违纪行为。
- Conclusions It is important to strengthen supervision of hospital endoscopy disinfection to control h... 结论加强对医院内窥镜消毒的监督与管理,控制院内感染。
- As the mobility of capital increases, we should strengthen supervision and control. 资金流动性增大,需要加大监管力度。
- It is more responsible to strengthen supervision and dispose in time after appropriating funds. 这更说明,哈珀政府对保障人民的生活和工作是负责任和公平的。
- The Ministry of Health in strengthening supervision, the Ministry of Health announced that in the future of the list of unincorporated bodies. 卫生部在加强监管的同时,将在未来公布卫生部认定的非法人机构名单。
- The TLIA shall strengthen supervision over the vehicles which have been registered for suspension of HMT levy. 交通征费稽查机构应当加强对停征养路费机动车的监督。
- Secondly it provides the strategy of strengthening supervision and coordination including governmental supervision on monopolization, external nature and anisomerous information. 其次提出了加强对风险投资的协调和监管的对策,包括针对垄断性的政府协调和监管、针对外部性的政府监管、针对信息不对称的政府监管。
- As China s economic development and pharmaceutical drug market prosperity,strengthening supervision and management of circulation of drugs is imperative. 随着我国医药经济的发展和药品市场的繁荣,加强药品流通环节监督管理势在必行。
- To tighten control on "false drugs",measures should be taken from aspects of legislation,strengthening supervision,raising consumer's recognizability and so on. 应从立法、监管、提高消费者识别能力等方面加强对其的监管。
- Scientifically determine the size of real estate development land supply, and strengthen supervision of land use, curb hoarding land. 科学确定房地产开发土地供应规模,加强土地使用监管,制止囤积土地行为。
- The special supervisor system will be further improved to strengthen supervision over administrative organs and their functionaries. 加大执法监察、廉政监察和效能监察力度,进一步完善特约监察员制度,加强对国家行政机关及其工作人员的监督;
- Wen Jiabao, the premier, this month ordered local officials to “strengthen supervision and ban factories from discharging pollutants into the lakes”. 中国国务院总理温家宝本月命令地方官员“强化监管,禁止工厂向湖泊排放污染物”。
- Criminal litigation of untries all over the world trend to strengthen supervision and control for investigation of procuratorial organs. 世界各国刑事诉讼制度有加强检察机关对侦查的监督和控制的趋势。
- With the exception of strengthening supervision of the authoring, at the same time, to want to adjust the objects of supervision and to improve the ways of supervision. 在加强对国有商业银行监管的同时要调整监管目标,改善监管方式。