- stratum reticulare cutis 真皮网状层
- stratum reticulare corii 真皮网状层
- stratum reticulare dermidis 真皮网状层
- stratum reticulare 网层
- They represent each society stratum. 他们代表各个社会阶层。
- They do not constitute a separate class or stratum. 知识分子和青年学生并不是一个阶级或阶层。
- Cuti saw you walking in the rain! 这样的铃声一定很酷!
- He hates the privileged stratum. 他憎恨特权阶层。
- This is a stratum we must win over. 这一阶层,我们是必须争取的。
- Affecting my reticular activating system. 影响到我脑袋的网状活化系统。
- Tramps are from the lowest stratum of society. 流浪汉来自社会最下层。
- Is The Intermediate Stratum Forming in China? 中国的中间阶层正在形成?
- Modification of breather stratum about airslide. 空气输送斜槽透气层的改造。
- To form bends in(a stratum of rock. 地层褶曲(在地层的岩石上)形成弯曲
- The lower stratum divides again into Ds and Es. 下层又分成D级和E级。
- Such inequalities are found in every stratum. 这类不公平的现象存在于社会的每一个阶层。
- To form bends in(a stratum of rock). 地层褶曲(在地层的岩石上)形成弯曲
- Stratum corneum means "horny layer". 角状的“层”组织即“角质层”。
- Tramps are in a low stratum of society. 流浪汉生活在社会的下层。
- This tissue is composed of stellate reticular cells. 此组织由星形的网状细胞组成。