- He gave the discus a tremendous heave. 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。
- It's a very bad thing to heave things around. 把东西到处乱扔是很不好的习惯。
- stratigraphic heave 地层水平移动,地层平错
- With one more heave, we got the box onto the shelf. 我们再使把劲,就把箱子抬到架子上了。
- Just one more heave, and the stone will be in the right place. 只要再拉一下,石头准能给拉到要放的地方。
- Stratigraphic unit or tectonic unit? 是地层单元还是构造单元?
- With a heave, he lifted up the heavy suitcase. 他一使劲把那只沉重的衣箱提了起来。
- The way Michael fawns on the boss makes heave. 迈克讨好老板的样子真叫我恶心。
- Heave this box onto the top shelf. 把这个箱子举到最上一层搁板上。
- Some politicians make you want to heave up. 有些政客使你恶心。
- With one more heave, we get the box onto the shelf. 我们再使把劲,就把箱子抬到架子上了。
- The Glauconite Sandstone is a persistent stratigraphic unit. 海绿石砂岩是一个稳定的地层单元。
- With one more heave,we got the box onto the shelf. 我们再使把劲,就把箱子抬到架子上了。
- I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs. 我用力把箱子弄下楼梯。
- Sometimes there is a heave storm here. 有时候这有大暴雨。
- I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh. 我掩着面叹息。
- Don' t heave your things around. 别到处乱扔东西。
- It' s a very bad thing to heave things around. 把东西到处乱扔是很不好的习惯。
- The thought of it makes me heave. 一想到那事我就恶心。
- The component layers have the geometry of stratigraphic units. 一分层具有地层单元的几何形态。