- What's Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge? 你的知识管理战略是什么?
- They called it SMART -- Strategies for Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy. 他们称之为SMART,即抗逆转滤过性病毒治疗管理的策略。
- Hansen, M.T., N.Nohria &T.Tierney, 1999, What's your strategy for management knowledge.Harvard Business Reviews, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 106-117. 吴思华、温肇东、冯国卿,民88,建构以知识管理为内涵之虚拟创新育成中心,1999科技管理研讨会。
- Abstract:Objective To study the optimal catheter ablation strategy for persistent atrial fibrillation(AF) and the strategy for management of recurrent atrial tachyarrhythmia. 摘要:目的 研究持续性心房颤动(房颤)导管射频消融最佳手术方式及复发心律失常的处理策略。
- A SAN is a more specialized, alternative strategy for managing growing storage requirements. san是管理不断增长的存储要求的一种更为专门化的、可替代的策略。
- On risk control strategy for management in debts 试论负债经营风险控制策略
- Treatment of underlying malignancy is the main strategy for managing these oncologic emergencies, but adequate complementary therapies are often. 治疗原发性癌症是处置肿瘤急症的主要方式,但辅助性治疗也是非常重要的。
- "It would be premature for doctors or patients to completely discard glucose control as a strategy for managing heart attack risk in patients with diabetes," he said. 对于医生或病人完全性的屏弃控制葡萄糖的策略来掌控尿病人心脏病发作的风险还为之尚早。
- He's developed a real flair for management. 他在管理方面已经变得很有一套。
- There are no volumes eligible for management. 没有卷可用来管理。
- A better strategy for managing these applications or components would be to unify the implementation of all the interconnecting applications or components into a single technology. 管理这些应用程序或组件更好的策略,应当是把所有相互联接的应用程序或组件的实现统一到单一技术中。
- Use the TQM for management production. 生产采用TQM全面生产管理。
- Our strategy for Vietnam was in tatters. 我们的越南战略已经支离破碎。
- There are a couple of common strategies for managing this crowding so your dialogs maintain their usefulness. 管理对话框有多种常用的策略,我们可以加以运用来管理拥挤的内容,从而保证对话框的有效使用。
- The implications for management styles is profound. 这些管理风格含义深邃。
- Mathematical Logic of Winning Strategy for Games? 围棋必胜法的数理逻辑观照?
- Economists are studying Parrando's paradox to help find the best strategies for managing investments. 经济学家正在研究帕隆多悖论,以帮助寻找管理投资的最佳策略。
- International market strategy for Canadian beef? 加拿大牛肉的国际市场策略?
- Implement a link building strategy for your site. 为你的网站制定一个链接建设战略。
- Outline strategies for managing hypertension based upon the latest research and the experience of the world's experts in the field. 为控制高血压策略作一个大纲,该大纲是基于本领域内专家的最新研究和实验结果。