- strategic road corridor 重要道路走廊
- CWB is a strategic road linking the Rumsey Street Flyover with the Island Eastern Corridor via the Island Eastern Corridor Link. 中环环仔绕道是一条非常重要的道路,可经由东区走廊连接路把林士街天桥和东区走廊连接起来。
- Therefore the introduce into technology is the strategic road of BOE. 于是技术引进成为京东方的必经之路。
- It is understood that the financial Zhichunlu and Haidian South Road corridor located between 4 km long. 据了解,金融走廊位于知春路与海淀南路之间,全长4公里。
- The AR will provide an efficient passenger link to the new airport,and will also offer much-needed relief to the existing MTR Nathan Road corridor. 机场铁路会为新机场提供高效率的客运服务,并有助纾缓目前地铁弥敦道走廊急需改善的挤塞情况。
- The Connaught Road Central - Harcourt Road - Gloucester Road corridor is operating over its capacity and there is regular traffic congestion. 干诺道中-夏道-告士打道走廊亦已负荷过重,以致经常塞车。
- The military camp is located at Todee, which is right on a strategic road from Monrovia to Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea. 军营所在地多迪镇是首都蒙罗维亚通往邻国科特迪瓦和几内亚的必经之道。
- The AR will provide an efficient passenger link to the new airport, and will also offer much-needed relief to the existing MTR Nathan Road corridor. 机场铁路会为新机场提供高效率的客运服务,并有助纾缓目前地铁弥敦道走廊急需改善的挤塞情况。
- The three kilometre Kwai Chung section is formed by a dual-four lane elevated highway along Kwai Chung Road corridor that runs to Lai Chi Kok. 三号干线葵涌段全长三公里,为双程四线双程的架空道路沿葵涌道走廊至荔枝角。
- A corridor: Ligusticum (City) May (flower) white road corridor, that is, planting Peng Cai, has shed more than 80, is expanding its development. 一走廊:藁(城)梅(花)路白色走廊,即大棚菜种植,已有大棚80余个,正在扩大发展。
- The department has also commissioned a consultancy study to explore the feasibility of applying advanced technology to enhance the management of the Strategic Road Network. 运输署已委聘顾问,研究可否采用先进科技,加强主要道路网的管理。
- To further expand and improve Hong Kong's road network to cope with traffic demand,several strategic road projects are currently under study and design. 为了进一步扩阔及改善本港的道路网络以应付交通需求,当局正在规划和设计若干主要的道路工程。
- The new line will help to relieve existing congestion on the Nathan Road Corridor of the Mass Transit Railway and it will also serve new developments on the West Kowloon Reclamation. 新铁路有助纾缓地下铁路弥敦道沿线现时的挤塞情况,并为西九龙填海区的新发展区域提供服务。
- The domestic service will interchange with the Tsuen Wan Line of the existing Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system at Lai King Station and with the Island Line at Hong Kong Station, bringing relief to the MTR Nathan Road Corridor. 这条客运线将会接驳现有地铁系统荃湾线的荔景站,以及港岛线的香港站,有助纾缓地铁弥敦道沿线的挤逼情况。
- This phase,together with the other phases of the Central and Wan Chai Reclamation,will accommodate a strategic road and rail links along the north shore of Hong Kong Island between Central and the island's eastern part. 这期工程连同中环及湾仔填海计划其他各期工程,将会提供所需的土地,以便沿港岛北岸兴建连接中环与港岛东部的重要连接路和铁路。
- The domestic service will interchange with the Tsuen Wan Line of the existing Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system at Lai King Station and with the Island Line at Hong Kong Station,bringing relief to the MTR Nathan Road Corridor. 这条客运线将会接驳现有地铁系统荃湾线的荔景站,以及港岛线的香港站,有助纾缓地铁弥敦道沿线的挤逼情况。
- Together with the other phases of Central and Wan Chai Reclamation,it will accommodate strategic road links along the north shore of Hong Kong Island between Central and the eastern part. 这期工程连同中环及湾仔填海计划其他各期工程,将会提供土地沿港岛北岸(中环与港岛东部之间)兴建重要连接路。
- In other words, no one outside the control of the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea will control the oil of the lead, as well as access to the most strategic roads. 换句话说,谁控制了外高加索,谁就掌控了里海石油的龙头,同时也获得了极具战略意义的交通要道。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- There are dense rivers and road corridors in area, some landscape spots and fragility ecology spots are separated in area.So patches are very fragmentized. 具有比较密集的河流和公路廊道,生态脆弱区、景观区和聚落分散于区域内,斑块比较破碎。