- strata above mining face 上覆岩层
- Cantilever beam of key strata breaks and caves into blocks,which is periodic weighting of mining face. 关键层悬臂梁破断垮落成承压砌块,其垮落及沿架后切落,形成工作面周期来压。
- Sure! They busted the man who lives in the apartment above mine! 他就住你家楼上啊?
- And now shall my head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me. 现在我得以昂起头来,胜过四面的仇敌。
- The coal mine underground micro seismic monitoring system which is made by Shandong University of Science and Technology is used to monitor the behavior of overburden strata of mining face. 通过对监测到的微地震事件定位计算,证实微地震发展演化与采场覆岩破坏密切相关。
- Abundant gas resources are accumalated in the shallow strata above 1500m depth of Subei Basin. Zhouzhuang and Xiqiao gas field have been found in Yancheng Formation of Neogene. 苏北盆地深度小于1500m的浅层天然气资源丰富,已在新近系盐城组发现周庄气田和溪桥气田,在古近系阜宁组发现刘庄气田。
- Taking the maintenance technology for a mine crosscut roadway under a mining face in above seam in a mine,the paper analyzed the cause of the mine roadway failure. 以某矿石门巷道受上部煤层工作面跨采影响条件下的维护技术为例,对巷道破坏的原因进行了分析,从提高围岩强度的角度出发,提出了在原支护条件下对被保护巷道进行注浆加固的方案。
- For the unloading effect, the arching mechanism in the roof strata is weakened, and the probability of catastrophic collapse exists in roof strata above the milling zone. 由于边坡的卸荷作用,导致采场上覆岩层成拱机制减弱,采空区覆岩存在整体垮冒的可能性。
- The geological models of the strata above salt layer include the thrust fault and fault propagation fold, roof plate reversal thrust fault, thrust drapes and syncline above salt layer. 分别进行的地质模型研究表明,盐上层构造地质模型主要有逆冲断层和断层传播褶皱、顶板反向逆冲断层、逆冲推覆体、盐上向斜等构造;
- In the coal mining face underground, there are three core equipments including supporters, conveyors and shearers. 煤炭井工开采中,最核心设备是工作面的支架、运输机和采煤机。
- The autumn wind marks a road trace on mine face, proves me in thissection of sentimental harvest. 秋风在我的脸上画上一道道痕迹,证明在这段感情上的收获。
- The feed way of the shearer is the important component of coal technology,it directly affects the output and benefit of the coal mining face. 采煤机的进刀方式是采煤工艺的重要组成部分,它直接影响到工作面的产量和效益。
- In large dip angle mining face,the antis-kid and anti-collapse question on hydraulic support is a key to mining successfully. 在大倾角工作面中,液压支架的防倒防滑问题是工作面能否顺利实现开采的关键。
- The charts were used to illustrate the dust distribution laws of coal mining face, heading face, during haulage, car-loading and tipping. 使用图表反映出采煤面、掘进工作面、运输过程、装车过程以及翻车时粉尘的分布规律。
- The advance support of intake and return aircourse needs a lot of plate girders in the comprehensive mechanized coal mining face. 综采工作面的进回风巷超前支护要用很多板梁。
- With the measured information, the paper analyzed the surrounding rock control results of the gob-side entry driving along the coal mining face. 在实测资料基础上,分析了综放沿空留巷围岩控制效果,得出的结论对综放沿空留巷推广应用具有指导意义。
- Several mud and sand flow accidents occurred from the goaf to mining face,which had seriously affect to the mine safety production. 梅河四井为急倾斜特厚煤层,采用水平分层综合机械化放顶煤开采,曾经多次发生采空区泥砂流溃入工作面事故,严重影响了安全生产。
- Dangerous strips with coal and gas bursting in mining face is divided to ensure safety mining and realization of high production and high efficiency. 对工作面进行煤与瓦斯突出危险条带划分,保证矿井安全生产的同时实现了工作面的高产高效。
- The Calculation of Displacement and Deformation of the Superincumbent Strata above the Coal Face 采场上覆岩层移动变形值计算
- The Solution of the Face-contacted Blocks Structure in Overlying Strata Above the Longwall Face 采场上覆岩层面接触块体结构的解析解