- According to the plan, the project is mainly composed of such buildings as draining pump station, in and out water box culverts, and draining lock which are laid underground. 按照项目规划,工程主要有排涝泵站、进出水箱涵、排涝闸等建筑物组成,而这些都将以暗渠的形式存在于地下。
- The arrangements on both sides of a box culvert dark sewage, sewage pipes and accepted the city side of Hill Zhigou water, downstream to the sewage treatment plant to deal with decontamination. 东西两岸各布置一条箱形排污暗涵,接纳城市排污管道和边山支沟来水,送至下游污水处理厂进行净化处理。
- And they can reduce water runoff into streets and storm water systems. 并且,这可以减少流入街道和雨水沟渠系统中的水量。
- Cracks are easily occurred during construct the reinforced concrete box culvert. 钢筋混凝土箱涵在施工过程中,易产生裂缝。
- A rooftop garden is designed to provide storm water control and help keep the building cool in the sun. 设计了一个屋顶花园是为了控制暴风雨,并且可以帮助建筑物在阳光下凉爽一些。
- Many municipalities are now tackling this problem by separating their sewer and storm water systems. 现在许多市政当局,正试著以分割污水、雨水排水系统来解决问题。
- Most difficult of all is to estimate the volume of storm water likely to flow in a drain or sewer. 最困难的是估计暴雨后可能流入管内的水量。
- The subway crossing project through Hongxu Road in Shanghai is the pipe-roof project with the biggest cross-section box culvert up to now in the world. 上海市中环线虹许路北虹路下立交工程是目前世界上在饱和含水软土地层中施工的横截面最大的管幕法工程。
- Waste containers are covered or kept under roofing to prevent storm water and ground water contamination. 废料收集箱须有盖或放在室内以确保不会受雨水或地下水污染。
- And they can reduce water run of runoff into streights streets and stormwater storm water systems. 并且它们可以减少水流进街道的流量和暴风排水系统的数量。
- Click a box spring so Penguin, the key to the control of air movement around and then fixed into the water box. 再按一次空格令企鹅跳起,方向键的左右控制空中动作,再按空格固定入水。
- Design storm hyetograph is the essential element for hydrologic modeling analysis and storm water drainage design. 摘要设计暴雨雨型对水文模式分析与暴雨排水设计是不可或缺的基本要素。
- The WQA required implemen-tation of a comprehensive two-phased approach for addressing storm water discharge. WQA要求实施两阶段的综合性方法来指引污水排放。
- The conclusion of( mechanic) property of clay-cement grout has been successfully applied to reinforce the roadbed crossing the Jing-Zhu Expressway through a box culvert which is at Renming East Road, Changsha. 所得的粘土-水泥浆液结石体力学特性结论已应用于长沙市人民东路下穿京珠高速公路箱涵顶推路基加固工程,为现场施工提供指导与依据。
- And they can reduce water runner off runoff into straights streets and store storm water systems. 可以减少雨水流向街道和暴雨排水系统中。
- This paper presents the injection parts molding process and injection mold structural characteristics and operating process of refrigerator water box. 介绍了冰箱接水盒注塑件的成型工艺特点及注塑模具的结构特点及工作过程。
- Lack of evidence proved some measuring devices were calibrated by company, e.g. CD340 water box prevent board special guage. 缺少证据表明公司对一些检具进行了校验,如:CD340水箱护板专用检具(包括百分表)。
- Quantity of storm water runoff in urban area increases along with the expansion of impermeable land surface in construction. 随着城市的发展,不透水地面面积不断增加,雨水径流量也相应增加。
- As a result, a portion of the dirty water is eventually released into rivers or the sea via storm water spillways or pumping stations. 然而,这种方式在暴雨时会导致一部分被稀释的污水经过泄洪口或抽水站,注入到河流或海洋。
- In particular, wetlands need to be preserved and, if possible, enlarged to maintain the natural filtering of storm water runoff. 另外,湿地也需要特别保留,而且可能的话,应扩大湿地来维持过滤暴雨迳流的天然功能。