- Sea flooding due to storm surges is not common in Hong Kong. 由风暴潮引起的海水淹浸在香港并不常见。
- Forecasters will be able to predict where the expected storm surges will strike and how big they will be. 预报员们将预报料想的风暴潮袭击地点及其规模。
- Officials say they expect flooding in some low-lying areas, especially as storm surges form. 有关官员说,一些低洼地带可能会被水淹没,特别是出现风暴潮的时候。
- Maximum storm surges caused by tropical cyclones were measured by tide gauges installed at several locations around Hong Kong. 热带气旋产生的最大风暴潮是由装置在香港多处的潮汐测量器量度的。
- The storm surge swept in over Route 41. 飓风掀起的巨浪跃过了四十一号公路。
- The main purpose of the first model is to give indications of the magnitude of storm surges in a place when tropical cyclones are still far from land. 第一类电脑模式主要用于当热带气旋和某地方还有一段距离时计算该地的风暴潮,以便有需要时可及早向市民发出报告。
- The return values of positive and negative storm surges are important parameters to design disaster-prevention structures in coastal engineering. 风暴增减水重现值是确定港口水工结构、海岸防护工程设计的重要参数。
- The Observatory adapts and runs storm surge models. 天文台利用数值模式来预测风暴潮。
- According to the Indonesian authorities, storm surges and erosion have worsened considerably in that time and the atolls have been losing bits regularly. 根据印尼官方,暴浪和侵蚀在20年来严重恶化而环礁均匀地损失。
- Permafrost has thawed, causing houses to slide off suddenly muddy cliffs; sea ice has thinned, creating expanses of open water that rise up in ever higher storm surges; and glaciers are melting, leading local sea levels to climb (albeit very slightly). 由于多年冻土融化,导致峭壁变得泥泞,房舍会突然滑落;海冰变薄导致水域扩大,造成风浪加剧;另外,冰河也正在融化,造成局部海平面上升(虽然上升幅度微小)。
- He was napping when the storm surge reached the School Road area. 当飓风掀起的巨浪接近学校路时,他正睡着。
- Since this century,harbor and industry development,sea level rise,land subsidence and pollution have made Venice and its lagoon in danger of storm surges, which cause floods and worsen the environment. 本世纪以来港口和工业发展,加上海平面上升、陆地下沉、污染加重,使威尼斯及其泻湖面临风暴潮洪水加重和生态环境恶化的严重威胁。
- But floods occur in many other ways, heavy rains and thawing snowfall can overwhelm rivers, storm surges caused by hurricanes and tsunamis inundate the coastline, landslides and mudflows can displace large volumes of water. 但是,洪水的暴发也有其它的情况,暴雨和积雪熔化可导致河水泛滥,暴风雨和海啸引发的洪水会淹没海岸,并引发泥石流和滑波,从而分流了大量洪水。
- The storm was succeeded by calm. 暴风雨之后是一片沉静。
- The real-time numerical forecasts of the storm surge, caused by typhoon No. 0214, have been maken in Zhanjiang during August 2002. 摘要本文对2002年8月在湛江附近登陆的0214号强热带风暴(黄蜂)进行了风暴潮实时预报。
- Storm surge is one kind of meteorological tides which may cause seri- ous destruction on coastal facilities. 风暴潮是一种对海岸设施破坏力极大的气象型潮灾。
- The typhoon storm surge and the storm current are frequently natural hazards for the ocean engineering. 台风暴潮及风暴海流是危害海洋工程的主要灾害现象之一。
- The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves. 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。
- The paper abtained the quantitative results of the storm surge and the strom current around the water area ... 同时通过假想台风的设计,计算了码头区域的最大可能风暴增水和风暴海流,可为大型码头工程的设计提供参数。