- stock holder accout 股东账户
- A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor. 指纽约证券交易所会员公司的股东或合伙人。联合会员依规定不得于交易厅内进行业务。
- Dear sirI need this product .I f you are manufacturer and stock holder please contact me. 我们需要求购汽车固定器,请与我们联系。
- BX is not a stock. only an "unit".if you do not know the different between" stock holder" and "unitholder"then stock market is not for you. 您要发布帖子的论坛是一个新闻组论坛。如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。
- Every up and down in the stock market affects the stock holders' feelings. 股市的每一次涨跌都牵动着股民的心。
- long-term stock holder's rights investment 长期股权投资
- M&SSH (Medium and Small Stock Holder) 中小投资者
- stock holder's inclinationt joint governance 共同治理
- characteristics of institutional stock holder 持股特征
- A New Model of The Balance Among Major Stock Holders, Small Stock Holders And Accounting Agencies. 建立控股股东、小股东、会计师事务所平衡的制度。
- Preferred stock holders can preferencially get the dividends other than common stock. 优先股持有者优先于普通股持有者得到股息.
- Stiglitz says the rescue packages benefited companies and stock holders, but did little to help average Americans. 他说,这些方案帮助了公司和股东,而对一般美国人则没有什么帮助。
- Because this company has bankrupted, the minority stock holders lost their uncashed dividend. 因为公司已经破产了,小股东损失了未兑现的股息。
- Please contact us if you are stock holders and can offer in Europe manganese metal in lumps, flakes and briquettes, FeMn FeB, SiCa, FeSi, SiMn, others. 如果贵公司在欧洲市场的仓储中有电解锰片,锰锭,锰球,铁锰合金,硼铁,钙化硅,硅铁,硅锰等等产品现货,敬请和我公司联系。
- The company shall keep the copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders made by the foreign agency at the residence of the company. 公司应当将境外代理机构制作的境外上市外资股股东名册的副本备置于公司的住所。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- Interest accrues on a bank accout. 银行账户的利息在增长。
- Holder of stock or of share in a company. 公司股份持有人。
- An effective remunerative impellent mechanism can harmonize the target of managers with that of stock holders and make managers realize the enterprises' maximized value. 有效的报酬激励机制,能协调经理与股东的目标,使经理努力实现企业价值最大化。