- stochastic pushdown automata 随机下推自动机
- stochastic pushdown automaton 随机下推自动机
- Nondeterministic pushdown automata are another formalism equivalent to context-free grammars. 随意性的后进先出存储器的自动操作也是环境无关性语法的另一个应用。
- This paper describes the design of pushdown automaton model for XML syntax analysis and illustrates the implementation of StAX parser OnceStAXParser. 本文给出了用于XML语法分析的下推自动机模型的设计以及StAX解析器OnceStAXParser的实现。
- A relationship between the accepting powers of sub logarithmic space bounded two way alternating pushdown automata with and without 1 inkdot is investigated. 对具有 1个墨水点的和没有墨水点的亚对数空间限定交替式下推自动机之间的关系进行研究。
- Summarily, the introduced work lays a foundation for further studies on more complicated quantum automata and quantum grammars such as quantum pushdown automata and Turing machine as well as quantum context-free grammars and context-sensitive grammars. 因此;为进一步研究更复杂的量子自动机(如量子下推自动机和Turing机)和量子文法(如量子上下文无关文法和上下文有关文法)奠定了基础.
- The design and implementation of XSIEQ are presented. XSIEQ uses a modified pushdown automata technique,and its idea is to convert all XPath expressions into a single NFA,then to attach type label and corresponding index info on NFA state. XSIEQ采用修改了的下推自动机技术,对多个XPath式按前缀共享的方式构造NFA,并对NFA状态进行类型标记和添加索引;
- The research shows that if and only if a fuzzy language is produced by a max-product fuzzy context-free grammar,it can be accepted by a max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton,so the max-product fuzzy context-free language can be recognized automatically. 研究表明;当且仅当最大乘积型Fuzzy上下文无关文法产生的语言集能被最大乘积型Fuzzy下推自动机接受时;能达到自动识别最大乘积Fuzzy上下文无关语言的目的.
- In this paper a 1 inkdot two way alternating pushdown automaton (2apda) is introduced which is a two way alternating pushdown automaton (2apda) with the additional power of marking at most 1 tape cell on the input (with an inkdot) once. 该文引入 1墨水点 2方向交替式下推自动机 ,它是 1个具有额外能力的 2方向交替式下推自动机 ,能够用 1个墨水点在输入带上标记出最多 1个单元格。
- Max-product Fuzzy Pushdown Automata 最大乘积型Fuzzy下推自动机
- Normal form of pushdown automata 标准下推自动机
- A DNA Model of Autonomous Pushdown Automaton 一种可自治下推自动机的DNA模型
- deterministic pushdown automaton 确定性下推自动机
- non-determinate pushdown automaton 非确定下推自动机
- orthomodular lattice-valued pushdown automaton 量子下推自动机
- max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton 最大乘积型Fuzzy下推自动机
- Logical Computational Types of the Pushdown Automata 下推自动机的逻辑计算类型
- Max-product Fuzzy Context-free Grammars and Pushdown Automata 最大乘积型Fuzzy上下无关文法与下推自动机
- Some Observations on Multi-lnkdot Alternating Pushdown Automata 多墨水点两方向交替式下推自动机的研究
- stochastic pushdown language 随机下推语言