- He's simply stinking with money. 他的钱简直多得发臭。
- The garden was soon stinking with burning rubbish. 园子很快就充满了烧垃圾的怪味。
- The restaurant was soon stinking with the decayed fish. 那家饭馆很快就充满了臭鱼的气味。
- Those guys are stinking with grass. 那些家伙有许多大麻。
- The man is stinking with wealth. 这个人的钱多得发臭。
- A discernible mark or effect left by contact with something. 痕迹与某物接触后留下的可辨认的标记或效果
- He asked me to pep his drink up with something stronger. 他要求我在饮料中加一些烈性的东西,使它喝起来有劲儿。
- The morning air is infused with something very nice. 清晨的空气十分宜人。
- Though she is stinking with money,she won't spend any on the poor. 尽管她腰缠万贯,但她却不舍得花在穷人身上。
- You really created a holy stink with that silly remark. 你说了那种愚蠢的话,真使人反感。
- He said, with something of a smirk. 他笑嘻嘻地说。
- To play, fiddle, trifle, or tamper with something. 胡闹、捣蛋、瞎弄或弄乱某物
- stinking with somethingadj. 某物有很多
- The rose is stuffed with something. 有东西堵在喷头里了。
- Yes,because I'm tied up with something urgent. 是的。因为我有紧急的事要处理。
- Good afternoon,sir. May I help you with something? 先生下午好,您要买什么?
- stink with something 充满某种臭味
- Can' t we close up the opening with something ? 我们难道不能用什么东西把这个洞口塞住吗?
- To come into contact with something;collide. 与某物接触;冲突
- A blow given with something flat; a slap. 拍打扁平物体的击打; 拍击