- This sort of grease could not stiffen when the temprature drops. 温度下降时,这种润滑脂不会变稠。
- W-a coating of grease over all exposed surface. 在全部露出的表面上涂一层油脂。
- Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease. 你的厨房覆盖著一层厚厚的油脂(爱炒东西的缘故)。
- Containing an unusual amount of grease or oil. 含有数量非常多的。
- stiffening of grease 润滑脂固化
- Deer are already in pride of grease. 野鹿已经肥了,正好猎取。
- His courage seemed suddenly to stiffen of its own accord. 他猛可里满心充满了勇气。
- Your kitchen has a sticky film of grease over it. 你家厨房里到处都有一层黏糊糊的油膜。
- Excessive amount of grease applied to the input shaft splines. 涂抹过量黄油于输入轴齿槽中。
- Fill the housing base with the required amount of grease. 向轴承座基础中填入规定量的滑脂。
- Two firemen freed George using a special type of grease. 两名消防队员用一种特殊的润滑油把乔治从困境中解救出来。
- The mechanic left streaks of grease everywhere in the car. 修理工把车里弄得到处是油渍。
- This use of grease lubrication of the bearing has a sealing effect. 这对使用脂润滑的轴承具有一定的密封效果。
- Stiffening of the arterial tree alters afterload and left ventricular geometry. 尽管左心室的心脏收缩功能仍然能够维持,但是左心室的舒张功能则大大改变。
- Don't call me a mindless philosopher,you overweight glob of grease! 你少说我拘泥规定,你已犯了错
- Displacement of the fragment ends decreased with stiffening of callus, and nearly stopped at 8 weeks. 骨折断端的位移随着骨痂刚度的提高而降低,到术后8周位移接近为零。
- A lot of grease comes out of a duck when it is being cooked. 煮鸭子时会流出很多油来。
- Cigarette smoking also leads to stiffening of the arteries and further eleation of the blood pressure. 吸烟也会导致血管壁的硬化同时进一步引起血压升高。
- Cardiac dyspnea results from edema in bronchiolar walls and stiffening of the lung due to parenchymal or alveolar edema, which interfere with airflow. 心源性呼吸困难是由细支气管壁水肿和肺实质或肺泡水肿所致的肺硬变引起,妨碍气流通行。
- Certain reactive dyestuffs can react with sodium alginate derivation or other pastes,which will lead to the stiffening of the prints. 某些类型活性染料在一定条件下,可与海藻酸钠衍生物或其它组分糊料发生键合反应,从而影响印花织物手感。