- He was eating a stick of celery. 他正在吃一根芹菜。
- I threw a stick of charcoal in the fire. 我往火里扔了一根木炭。
- I will buy you a stick of chocolate. 我会给你买一根巧克力。
- The stick of candy was striped with red. 这根棒糖上有红色条纹。
- The control stick of an aircraft. 操纵杆飞机的操纵杆
- During the drilling process in salt rocks, the creep of wellhole and the shrinkage of wellbore in diameter often happen,which results in sticking of tool and failure of casing. 在岩盐层钻井过程中,井眼易发生蠕变缩径从而引起卡钻;固井后,又易发生套管挤毁等事故。
- The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner. 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。
- The stick of carbon is often used in an electric arc lamp. 碳精棒常用于电弧灯。
- A knife is one of the simplest of tools. 刀是一种最普通的工具。
- A set of tools goes with each tractor. 每一台出售的拖拉机都附有工具一套。
- A stick of phosphorus fell on the floor. 一块磷条掉在地上。
- In default of tools, he uses a knife. 因没有工具,他使用一把刀子。
- Here is a stick of candy for you. 这根棒糖给你。
- This kind of tool is used to repair a radio. 这种工具是用来修收音机的。
- Same as usual. Here, have a stick of gum. 老样子。喏,来一片口香糖吧。
- Would you care for a stick of gum? 你要不要来一块口香糖?
- This balance is made of tool steel. 这架天平是用工具钢制成的。
- It was a long, slender stick of vivid yellow. 那是一根鲜黄色的又细又长的粉笔。
- In default of tools, she used a hairpin and a buttonhook. 因没有工具,她使用一支发针及一钮钩。
- It was a long slender stick of vivid yellow. 那是一根长长的,细细的,颜色鲜艳的棍子。