- stewed duck with chop suey 八珍扒大鸭[粤]
- Braised duck with chop suey 八珍豆腐羹八珍扒鸭
- In Latin America, McDonalds restaurants have created a special menu that includes a Beijing Burger with chop suey and breaded sticks of rice to promote the Games. 麦当劳已经为拉美市场制定了一份奥运主题的特别菜谱,其中包括一款夹杂烩的北京汉堡和大米做的面包棒。
- stewed duck with mushrooms and bamboo shoots 双冬扒鸭
- canned stewed duck with orange peel 陈皮鸭罐头
- Stewed Duck with Fish Glue and Longan 鱼胶圆肉炖水鸭
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
- Stewed Duck with Ginseng and Medlar 参杞炖老鸭
- Stewed Duck with Special Soy Sauce(half) 上海酱鸭[特别推荐]
- Stewed Duck with White Gourd and Pearl Barley 冬瓜薏米煲老鸭
- Stewed Duck with Ginseng and Chinese Wolfberry 参杞炖老鸭
- stewed duck with pickled cucumbers 咸瓜炖鸭[粤]
- stewed duck with scallion & tomato sauce 油葱蕃茄鸭
- stewed duck with vegetables in season 时菜扒鸭
- I'd like to have a chop suey and giblets congee. 我来一份杂烩菜和鸡什粥吧。
- Look, here's 40 bucks, buy everyone chop suey. 看,这里有40快钱,给每个人买份杂碎。
- Stew Duck with Abalone and Du Zhong/ 鲍鱼杜仲炖老鸭/
- The Chop Suey and Giblets Congee and the Sliced Frog Congee. 及第粥的田鸡片粥。
- The special today is pressed duck with walnuts. 今天的特色菜是桃仁酥鸭。
- The Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus? 虫草鸭子?那是一种保健食品,对吧?