- Milne SE,Kenny GN,Schraag S.Propofol sparing effect of remifentanil using closed-loop anaesthesia[J].Br J Anaesth,2003,90:623-629. 张云龙;孙黎;昌曾娜.;异丙酚伍用不同剂量芬太尼在人工流产手术麻醉中的应用[J]
- With high energy photon beam attenuated by the couch insert and immobilization devices, the skin sparing effect will be reduced. 当高能光子射束穿过治疗床及固定模具而衰减时,会造成皮肤免除效应降低。
- The dose-rate sparing effect and the reduction in RBE at the low dose rateimply that the radiation-induced damage by high-LET carbon ion beams at low dose rates could be repaired to agreat extent. 由实验发现的剂量率效应及低剂量率条件下RBE值的减小;表明由高LET碳离子束造成的辐射损伤在低剂量率条件下也存在着显著的修复效应.
- The objective function of the model was determined by the spares' effect on the task of equipment.So the model may be different in various importance of spares. 备件运行量模型的目标函数主要由备件对装备承担任务的影响确定,不同情况下模型可能不一样。
- She spends her spare time nursing her old mother. 她的业余时间都花在照顾她年老的母亲上。
- What do you like doing in your spare time? 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?
- This map is sparing of information. 这地图内容贫乏。
- I spent all my spare time reading poetry. 我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。
- Punishment had very little effect on him. 惩罚对他没有什么效果。
- Spare blankets lay at the foot of each bed. 每张床的尾端放有备用毛毯。
- We have enough fruit and to spare. 我们的水果充足有余。
- It's certain that every effect must have a cause. 无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。
- That measure will be carried into effect very soon. 这项措施将在最近付诸实施。
- They want any money you can spare. 你有多少闲钱他们都要。
- My plan has not been carried out with effect. 我的计划未被有效地执行。
- I can spare you some, if you want, at cost. 你如果想要,我可按成本让给你一些。
- The room shows off her paintings to good effect. 这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。
- I can't spare him today we need everybody here. 我今天需要他--我们需要人人都到齐。
- I like reading novels in my spare time. 我喜欢闲暇时读小说。
- Her words had a soothing effect. 她的话起了安慰的作用。