- steroid sulfurylation 类固醇磺酰化
- A steroid containing a ketone group. 酮甾含酮基的甾类化合物
- A drug or other substance not containing a steroid. 非类固醇物质不含类固醇的药物或者其它物质
- Vitamin D receptor(VDR) is a steroid hormone. 维生素D受体(vitamin Dreceptor,VDR)属于类固醇类激素。
- Human steroid cell autoantibody,SCA Elisa Kit... 人抗类固醇细胞抗体(SCA)试剂盒;
- How many were the result of a steroid juiced body? 有多少的结果是因为服食了类固醇的原因而得来的?
- Testosterone is an androgen or male steroid hormone. 睾丸甾酮是一种雄性激素或雄性类固醇激素。
- Mechanism of abnormal scars with treatment of steroid. 激素治疗瘢痕的机理研究。
- High-dose steroid treatment greatly improved vertigo in 4 patients. 经给予高剂量类固醇治疗后,重听及眩晕的情况均获改善。
- Steroid use causes male feminization and female masculinization. 使用类固醇会导致男性女性化和女性男性化。
- Aggression is the number one reported among anabolic steroid uses. 侵略性是第一个被报道的不良反应。
- Therapeutical emphasis of steroid diabetes is radical cure of CS. 继发性糖尿病的治疗重点应是原发病的根治。
- We are interested in the retail of steroid hormone powders. 我公司对零售类固醇激素粉末感兴趣。
- B.“I will use the bronchodilator before I use the steroid inhaler. ” “我将先使用支气管扩张药物喷雾剂,在使用类固醇喷雾剂。”
- Systemic steroid therapy was effective for painful ophthalmoplegia. 激素治疗痛性眼肌麻痹有效。
- Women players have to have a steroid test upon arrival at the host country. 女子选手到达东道国不得不进行性别检查。
- He lists three types of steroid sex hormones that function in mammals. 他列举在哺乳动物中起作用的三种类固醇性激素。
- A steroid hormone excreted in urine that reinforces masculine characteristics. 雄酯酮可促进男性特征的雄性激素,随尿液排出
- Sulfuryl fluoride is used extensively in the U. S. as a fumigant to control insect pests of timber. 硫酰氟在美国广泛用于薰蒸木材上的害虫。
- And women players have to have a steroid test upon arrival at the host country. 而且女运动员在到达承办国后必须进行性别检查。