- sterior pontic 后牙桥体
- Note appearance of pontic at gingival margin. 注意:出现在牙龈缘桥。
- Objective: : To provide anatomical basis for drilling the po sterior wall of the petrous pyramid through transpetrous presigmoid approach. 目的:为经颞骨岩部乙状窦前入路颞骨岩部的磨除提供解剖依据。
- Conclusions: the PFM pontic with cavity can avoid producing blebs and can improve the prost... 结论:烤瓷桥体金属部分作成中空式避免了金属缩孔现象,可提高金属烤瓷义齿的修复质量。
- The pontic with cavity was easy to operate and the weight of the pontic was less. 结果:中空桥体便于操作,可减轻桥体自身重量,随访患者使用良好。
- Objective To improve the inclined teeth rigidly-fixed bridge and reduce the pontic shrinkage from whole founding. 目的改进倾斜基牙的固定桥修复,减少整体铸造产生的桥体收缩。
- Methods In 648 cases(656 eyes)of cataract patients,we made frow n small scleral tunnel incision,then extracted the lens nucleus and implanted po sterior chamber intraocular lens. 方法对648例(656眼)白内障患者采用反眉状巩膜隧道式小切口手法娩核白内障囊外摘出术,同时植入后房人工晶状体。
- Conclude:It is better to select one molar Pontic and at least two abutments for a successful posterior cantilevered fixed partial denture. 结论:游离缺失端行单端固定桥修复最好选择桥体为一个磨牙长度,且基牙数至少两个,以提高单端固定桥修复的成功率。
- Objective: To explore the method of applying variant pontic to fixed bridge with tilted abutment without common path of insertion. 目的:探讨以变异桥体解决固定桥两倾斜基牙无共同就位道的修复方法。
- Doctor: I'll make two gold crowns on the two teeth on either side of the empty space. Then, a pontic will be connected to the crowns. 医生:我将做二个金冠套住旁边的二颗牙。然后,假牙将被连接到旁边的二颗牙上。
- For tooth;there were concentrated stress under oblique force,and the stressess went up as the length of pontic was bigger. 天然牙在集中垂直载荷下应力分布均匀,集中斜向载荷下有应力集中,应力值随桥体长度增加而增大。
- Methods Axes-pit cap with subsection founding and engine tabling external telescope pontic was used to repair 4 inclined teeth in different directions. 方法采用轴-核帽分段铸造机械嵌合连接外用套筒冠桥体修复4例前后基牙有不同方向和不同程度倾斜的患者。
- Methods:All of these cantilever bridges are 3-unit, two abutments and single cantilever pontic, and used for restoring the lost rear teeth. 方法:追踪观察了修复10年后的修复体完整性及其对牙周健康的影响。
- Methods The telescopic pontic of fixed bridge was used in patients whose abutments were tilted,and the effect of prosthesis were observaed. 方法设计套叠桥体式固定桥为基牙严重倾斜患者修复失牙,并观察修复效果。
- The retainer were fixed well without loosening and no periodontal trauma was found by X-ray.Conclusions: The variant pontic can be a choice of des... 结论:变异桥体固定桥设计,可作为因某些因素造成的两倾斜基牙无共同就位道时的一种设计方法,简便易行,不增加患者痛苦,能获得良好的修复效果,具有较好的临床使用价值。
- Results The clinical application of 15 outpatients 18 prosthises) showed that the telescopic pontic of fixed bridge has a satisfictory clincial outcome. 结果15例病人(18件修复体)的临床试用显示效果满意。
- The biggest stress under the concentrated oblique loading was 3-times than that under the concentrated vertical loading;The larger of the pontic length was the bigger of the stress. 长桥体固定桥在集中斜向载荷作用下种植体颈缘骨最大应力是集中垂直载荷下种植体周骨最大应力的3倍,桥体长度增加,应力值增加。
- Methods: for long alloy bridge, the pontic was made with cavity, which was filled with plastic. 28 cases (9 anterior and 19 posterior) were treated by the bridges with improved pontics. 方法:对修复体金属支架体积偏大而厚的桥体采用将金属部分作成中空部分用瓷粉填塞的方法制作。
- Objective:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different types of pontic lingual metal framework in posterior metal-ceramic fixed bridge on the fracture resistance of porcelain. 目的:比较后牙烤瓷桥桥体舌侧金属支架结构改良对于瓷抗折强度的影响。
- Methods These cantilever bridges are 3?unit,two abutments and single cantilever pontic,and used for restoring the lost rear teeth,review for 20 cantilever bridges after having been used 2 years. 方法:对20例个别后牙游离缺失,且基牙需要冠修复的患者采用后牙单端固定桥修复,并进行平均2年多的随访。